He usually comes over on sundays .
u661fu671f u5929u4ed6u591au534a u513fu4e0a u8fd9u513fu6765u3002
I often play ( chess ) with my father on Sundays .
u6211u7ecfu5e38u548cu6211u7238u7238u4e0b u8c61u68cbu3002
I 'm not having dancing in my hotel on Sundays .
u6211u4e0du51c6 u661fu671f u5929u5728u6211u7684u65c5u5e97u8df3u821eu3002
You normally receive 4 treatments each day Sundays excepted .
u901au5e38u6bcfu5929u63a5u53d74u6b21u6cbbu7597uff0c u661fu671f u65e5u9664u5916u3002
I have not seen him for a week of sundays .
u6211u5df2 u5f88u4e45u6ca1u6709u770bu89c1u4ed6u4e86u3002
The Council had brought proceedings to stop the store from trading on Sundays .
u8be5u59d4u5458u4f1au5df2u7ecfu63d0u8d77u8bc9u8bbcuff0cu7981u6b62u8fd9u5bb6u5546u5e97u5728 u5468u65e5 u8425u4e1au3002
On Sundays the family went three times to chapel .
u6bcf u5230 u661fu671f u5929uff0cu8fd9u5bb6u4eba u90fdu4f1au53bbu505a3u6b21u793cu62dcu3002
Yes . I like fishing after school and on Sundays .
u662fu7684uff0cu653eu5b66u4ee5u540eu548c u661fu671f u5929u6211u559cu6b22u53bbu9493u9c7cu3002
I would advise people to think very carefully about committing themselves to working Sundays
u6211u5efau8baeu5927u5bb6u614eu91cdu8003u8651u4e00u4e0bu7b54u5e94 u5468u65e5u5de5u4f5cu7684u95eeu9898u3002
I usually go shopping with my mother on Sundays .
u661fu671f u5929u6211u7ecfu5e38u548cu5988u5988u4e00u8d77u53bbu8d2du7269u3002
We don 't have any classes on Saturdays and Sundays .
u661fu671fu516du548c u661fu671f u5929u6211u4eecu4e0du4e0au8bfeu3002
Often on Sundays I would go to Benton to church and lunch with her family .
u6211u7ecfu5e38u5728 u661fu671f u5929u5230u672cu987fu505au793cu62dcuff0cu7136u540eu548cu5979u5bb6u4ebau4e00u8d77u5403u5348u996du3002
WEEKENDS : Saturdays and Sundays most runners have more time for training .
u5468u672buff1au5468u516du548c u5468u65e5uff0cu5bf9u4e8eu5927u591au6570u8dd1u6b65u7684u4ebau6765u8bb2u6709u66f4u591au7684u65f6u95f4u6765u8badu7ec3u3002
The art gallery waives admission charges on Sundays
u7f8eu672fu9986 u5468u65e5u514du6536u95e8u7968u3002
He refuses to compete on Sundays because of his religious beliefs .
u51fau4e8eu5b97u6559u4fe1u4ef0uff0cu4ed6u62d2u7eddu5728 u793cu62dc u5929u8fdbu884cu6bd4u8d5bu3002
I usually do some shopping with my parents on Sundays .
u6211u7ecfu5e38u5728 u661fu671f u5929u548cu6211u7684u7236u6bcdu4e00u8d77u53bbu4e70u4e1cu897fu3002
The exhibition keeps open on sundays .
u5c55u89c8u4f1a u661fu671f u5929u4e5fu5f00u653eu3002
It 's a bit thick expecting us to work on sundays .
u60f3u8ba9u6211u4eecu5728 u661fu671f u65e5u4e5fu5de5u4f5cuff0cu53ef u771f u4e0d u50cfu8bddu3002
Any time day night Sundays and holidays included .
u5305u62ecu4efbu4f55u65f6u95f4uff0cu767du5929uff0cu591cu95f4uff0c u661fu671f u5929u548cu8282u5047u65e5u3002
You can have Saturdays and Sundays off .
u4f60u53efu4ee5u5468u516du548c u5468u65e5 u4f11u606fu3002
On Sundays she usually wakes up her children a little later than usual .
u661fu671f u5929uff0cu901au5e38u5979u4f1au8fdfu4e00u70b9u53ebu9192u5b69u5b50u4eecu3002
I always wash clothes on sundays .
u6211u603bu662fu5728 u661fu671f u5929u6d17u8863u670du3002
On Sundays I usually stay with my parents .
u661fu671f u5929u6211u901au5e38u548cu7236u6bcdu5f85u5728u4e00u8d77u3002
I have a lie-in on Sundays .
u6211 u661fu671f u5929u90fdu4f1au7761 u61d2u89c9u3002
The arena livens up only on Saturdays and Sundays when a flea market is open there .
u53eau6709u5728u5468u516d u5468u65e5u8df3u86a4u5e02u573au5f00u5e02u65f6uff0cu8fd9u7247u573au5730u624du4f1au70edu95f9u8d77u6765u3002
My parents don 't work on Saturdays and Sundays .
u6211u7684u7236u6bcdu5728u661fu671fu516du548c u661fu671f u65e5u4e0du5de5u4f5cu3002
Entertainment is laid on too in the form of drag on Wednesdays and strippers on Sundays
u8fd8u5b89u6392u4e86u5a31u4e50u6d3bu52a8uff0cu661fu671fu4e09u662fu7537u626eu5973u88c5u6f14u51fauff0c u661fu671f u5929u662fu8131u8863u821eu6f14u51fau3002
We have had poor weather these past few sundays .
u51e0u4e2a u661fu671f u5929 u90fd u8d76u4e0du4e0au597du5929u6c14u3002
n.星期天星期日( Sunday的名词复数 )每逢星期日出版的报纸星期日报