Hong Xiangyang of the Shanghai Sunward Career Consultant Company claims graduates should have a sincere conversation with their employer .
u6765u81eau4e0au6d77 u5411u9633u751fu6daf u7ba1u7406u54a8u8be2u6709u9650u516cu53f8u7684u6d2au5411u9633u8868u793auff0c u6253u5b9a u4e3bu610f u8981 u6bc1u7ea6u7684u6bd5u4e1au751fu5e94u8be5u4e0eu81eau5df1u7684u96c7u4e3bu771fu8bdau6c9fu901au3002
The results are as follows : ( 1 ) Elliot 's Pheasant mainly inhabit in the broad-leaved forest or the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest at an elevation of 300-800 meters with a slope less than 30 degrees mostly on the sunward hillsides .
He Qinghua : From Utopia in Mountain Yao to Sunward Intelligent Park
u4f55u6e05u534euff1au4ece u7476u5c71u201cu4e4cu6258u90a6u201du5230 u5c71u6cb3u667au80fd u4ea7u4e1au56ed
Steady sunward though the weather hide the wide and treacherous shoal .
u575au5b9au4e0du79fb u5411u7740 u592au9633uff0cu5ea6u8fc7u6d45u6ee9u6697u7901u3002
Given the interplanetary conditions near the Earth 's orbit and the geometrical configuration of the Earth 's bow shock this paper discusses the distributions of various parameters of shock strength over the sunward shock front and the interaction between the bow shock and interplanetary shocks .
u7ed9u5b9au5730u7403u8f68u9053u9644u8fd1u7684u884cu661fu9645u6761u4ef6u548cu5730u7403u5f13u6fc0u6ce2u7684u51e0u4f55u4f4du5f62uff0cu672cu6587u5206u6790 u5411u9633 u4fa7u5f13u6fc0u6ce2u5f3au5ea6u53c2u6570 u6cbfu6fc0u6ce2u9635u9762u7684u5206u5e03uff0cu4ee5u53cau884cu661fu9645u6fc0u6ce2u4e0eu5f13u6fc0u6ce2u7684u76f8u4e92u4f5cu7528u3002