wire probe

[waɪr prob][ˈwaiə prəub]


  • Measurements of mean flow and turbulence characteristics with different model orientations are done by using an X - array hot wire probe .

    实验以厂址为中心,应用X型 热线 探头 探测了不同风向下的平均流和湍流结构。

  • Thermal conductivity of cooked rice was measured by using a regular circuit with heating wire coupled with a line temperature probe . Meanwhile nonlinear relationship was estimated by regression .

    采用程序 控温的方法, 研究温度对米饭热物性和介电特性的影响,并进行相关性分析。

  • The early fracture of the Pt-10 % Rh-Pt thermocouple wire was analyzed with electron probe microanalyzer ( EPMA ) .

    利用电子 探针显微分析仪(EPMA)对早期断裂的 铂铑10-铂热电偶进行了分析。

  • The steel wire rope was magnetized in the way of AC excitation and then the magnetic flux leakage signals coming from defects were obtained by the detector probe . At the same time the pre-treated signals were input to the computer through PCI-1716L data acquisition card .

    采用交流励磁方式对 钢丝绳进行磁化,利用所设计的传感器获得缺陷处的漏磁信号,并通过 PCI-1716L数据采集卡将预处理后的信号输入到计算机。

  • Measurements of the Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate by Using a 3 Component Hot Wire Probe

    用三分量 热线 探头测量平板湍流边界层

  • The system allows metal tube bar and wire to pass through the eddy current probe with variable high speed and defects can be accurately located marked and recorded .

    该系统的特点是允许被 样品高速、变速通过涡流 传感器,并能对缺陷进行准确定位、打标及记录。

  • In previous papers on transient thermocouple for high gas stream temperature measurements it was assumed that thermal inertia coefficient of the probe is not variable with wire temperature and that thermal radiation from the probe may be negligible .

    以前有关高温气流温度测量的动态热偶法的文章都假定,探头的热惯性系数不随 温变化,且 探头的热辐射可忽略不计。