wipe off

[waɪp ɔf][waip ɔf]


  • Paint won 't wipe off .

    油漆是 的。

  • Do not wipe off your cup or silverware in a restaurant .

    不要在餐厅 擦拭茶杯或镀银食具。

  • Also cannot record is several year-old time I first time have theguts to take the handkerchief helped mother to wipe off on the facewater tear ; mother do not cry but also has me in !

    也记不起来是几岁的时候,我第一次有胆量拿着手巾,帮妈妈 擦掉 脸上的水泪;“妈妈不要哭,还有我在呢!”

  • Daily maintenance : use using tissues along the brush wipe off the excess residue of cosmetics .

    平日保养:使用后,用面巾纸顺着刷毛, 多余残留的化妆品

  • After years of family fighting the uncles agreed to wipe off old scores so their children could marry .

    经过多年家族争斗之后,长辈们同意 消除 宿怨,以便孩子们可以通婚。

  • My family thinks I bought a brand new high resolution monitor & but all I did was wipe off the dust and fingerprints .

    我家人以为我买了一台崭新的高分辨率显示器&但实际上我所做的只是 外面的灰尘和手指印。

  • She wondered how to wipe off the dirt .

    她想知道怎样才能 除去污渍。

  • Preparation : Wipe off the surface of the ceiling or the wall to make it clean and even .

    清理工作: 清扫 顶棚或者墙壁表面使之光滑,平整。

  • Wipe off these scribblings from the blackboard .

    黑板上的涂鸦 擦掉

  • There was one printyou couldn 't wipe off .

    但有一个指纹你无法 拭去

  • Wipe off any excess make-up with a clean moist cotton flannel

    用干净的湿绒布 多余的化妆品。

  • Here 's a brush to wipe off the mud before you come into the house .

    进屋之前可用这个刷子 刷去泥。

  • The utility model adopts pen style holding structure which is of convenience in operation and safety and can effectively wipe off skin epidermis of special depth and reduce the operation riskiness .

    本实用新型采用笔式握持结构,治疗中操作灵活方便,本实用新型使用安全,可以有效地用于 去除特定深度的皮肤表皮,降低了手术风险性。

  • Please wipe off the counter after you 're finished .

    你干完以后,请 柜台 干净

  • You can 't wipe off my love spell .

    我这个爱情咒 的。

  • An unexpected legacy enabled him to wipe off the debt on his house .

    一笔意外的遗产使他 全部 偿还了他在住宅上所欠的债务。

  • Put a small dot of lip gloss on the fingertip or if you 're using a wand applicator wipe off any excess against the rim of the tube ( Working in thin layers gives you the most control ) .

    将唇彩挤一点在指尖上,要是你使用棉棒的话就 唇彩管边上溢出来的唇彩(薄薄的一层会让你操作起来更加得心应手)。

  • Love is a drop of 't wipe off the tears haven 't solidification has to ashes .

    爱是一滴 的眼泪,还没凝固已经成灰。

  • Don 't forget to wipe off the sink when you 've finished the dishes .

    洗完了碗碟别忘了把洗涤槽 干净

  • Then his face for the girl wipe off the rain and coat on the girl at this moment the girl shed tears .

    接着他为女孩 拭去的雨水,并且脱去外套披在女孩身上,此刻,女孩流泪了。

  • Even the dust of your town that sticks to our feet we wipe off against you .


  • I 'm afraid this paint won 't wipe off .

    恐怕这种涂料是 的。

  • You can wipe off the gel with paper and get up to dress now .

    您可以 用纸 耦合 然后起来穿衣服了。

  • When I was absorbedly practising Military Boxing and was sweating a lot my drillmaster helped me to wipe off my sweat sometimes .


  • They 'll wipe off the debt soon .

    他们很快 还清这笔欠款。

  • You can wipe off the dirt with this cloth .

    你可以 这块布 污垢 擦掉

  • You have helped me so much that I am willing to wipe off the & 20 you owe me .

    你帮了我那么多忙,我愿意 你欠我的20英镑 一笔勾销

  • Even the dust from your city which clings to our feet we wipe off against you ; yet know this that the kingdom of God has drawn near .

    就是你们城里的尘土,粘在我们的脚上,我们也当着你们 。虽然如此,你们该知道神的国已经临近了。