wipe up

[waɪp ʌp][waip ʌp]


  • Yet my desk has two advantages over Lord Lucan 's. If you spill coffee on it you can wipe it up with a dishcloth .

    可是,比起鲁肯勋爵的书桌,我的书桌有两个优点。如果你把咖啡溅在桌子上,用抹布一 干净了。

  • Also be sure to teach her how to wipe wash up and flush when she is finished .

    同时,一定要教她如何 擦拭,清洗和冲洗时,她是完了。

  • Wipe up the milk you spilled please .


  • While Molly and Jack wipe hands the waitress expertly tidy up the table .

    趁茉莉和杰克 擦拭手臂的时候,女服务生麻利地 摆好桌子。

  • Will you wipe these plates up ?

    盘子 擦干 吗?

  • • naturally and quietly demonstrate on a regular basis that no chore is beneath you : clean up after a conference room lunch carry the heavy crap to a trade show replace the water cooler wipe up the spill .

    •时常自然、安静地展示出这样的态度,没有你不能做的琐事:吃完工作餐之后打扫会议室,亲自携带笨重的展品去参加贸易展览,替换水冷器, 擦拭溢水。

  • If you spill it ? Wipe it up ;


  • Might as well when apply face film wipe redundantly a few go up in the hand let both hands also can share profit .

    敷面膜时不妨 多余的 一些在手上,让双手也能分享到益处。

  • That 's all right . I 'll just get a cloth and wipe it up .

    没关系,我去拿抹布 一下

  • You can wipe off the gel with paper and get up to dress now .

    您可以 用纸 耦合 然后 起来穿衣服了。

  • Wipe up spills immediately .

    马上 洒出来的东西 擦掉

  • Wipe up that mess !

    那一大摊 脏物 揩掉

  • You 'd better wipe up the milk on the floor before someone slips in it .

    趁着还没有人滑倒,你最好 地板上的牛奶 干净

  • So wipe that smirk off your face and listen up .

    因此,请别 傻笑了,认真听

  • Wipe up the mess with a cloth .

    拿块抹布把那些脏东西 擦掉

  • Partly in order to find something to do and partly to wipe out his tracks he quietly picked up a small broom from one corner of the room and went out to sweep away the snow .

    一来为有点事做,二来为 消灭痕迹,他一声没出,在屋角摸着把 笤帚,去扫雪。

  • Wipe ( up ) the spilt milk off the floor

    洒在地板上的牛奶 干净

  • He begins to wipe up the mess .

    他开始 脏东西 抹掉

  • Don 't let the coffee sink into the carpet ; wipe it up .

    别让咖啡渗进地毯里 擦掉

  • If I wash the dishes will you wipe up ?

    要是我来洗碟子,你肯 它们 擦干吗?

  • Wipe your face before you stand up dean .

    你站 起来之前, 眼泪 擦擦,狄恩。

  • This week the price of corn for delivery next year set a new record by going above $ 8 a bushel on fears that the flooding will wipe out up to 5m acres of crops in corn-producing states such as Iowa Illinois and Missouri .

    本周,明年交付的玉米的价格已突破每蒲式耳8美元,创下历史新高,因为人们担心,洪水将 毁掉依阿华、伊利诺伊和密苏里等玉米生产州多至500万英亩的作物。

  • Please wipe up the spilled milk .

    溢出的牛奶 干净

  • Somebody 's gotta wipe up after him .

    有人想要杀他 灭口

  • Do not bother to wipe up the dishes just put them on the table .

    碟子不用 擦干 ,把它们放在桌上就行。

  • I spilled my coffee all over the table and Mom leaned across me to wipe it up

    我把咖啡洒得满桌都是,妈妈俯过身来 擦掉

  • Anyone is welcome to use the meeting room but must wipe up the mess afterward .

    欢迎大家使用会议室,但用后必须 废弃物 清理 干净

  • I need something to wipe up this mess with .

    我需要某样东西来 这些 脏物 干净

  • Cleanness uses clear water or neuter scour please use cloth wipe up finally lest the ground slips .

    清洁请用清水或中性洗涤剂,最后用布 干净,以免地滑。

  • Wipe your feet well or track up my new rug .

    把脚 干净,要不 就会我的新地毯。