window transform

[ˈwɪndo trænsˈfɔrm][ˈwindəu trænsˈfɔ:m]

[计] 窗口变换

  • To overcome commonly-used filtering template 's drawback and remove the ringing artifact block effect in conventional image filtering this paper presents 2D all-phase window filtering under arbitrary orthogonal transform .

    为克服常用滤波模板的缺陷,消除传统图像滤波中存在的振铃现象和方块效应,提出了任意正交 变换下的2维加 全相位滤波算法。

  • The wavelet analysis theory and Fourier transform the window Fourier transform time are compared to the space-time and frequency local transformation and thus more effective in extracting data from the signal information .

    小波分析理论与傅立叶变换、 窗口傅立叶 变换相比是时空和频率的局域变换,因而更能有效地从信号数据中提取信息。

  • The determination of time discrimination and frequency discrimination and the selection of a window function in the short-term Fourier transform ( STFT ) were discussed to analyze the vibrational signals from a high-pressure hydraulic pump unit .

    对水泵机组振动信号分析中短时傅立叶 变换的时间分辨率和频率分辨率的设定、 函数的选取进行了研究。

  • By putting partial wavelet coefficient in wavelet transform based on slip time window we gain a fast wavelet transform algorithm that pays out a few storage space .

    针对基于滑动时 的小波变换中小波系数重复计算的问题,通过预先存储一部分小波系数,避免重复计算过程,以较小的存储空间为代价,获得了计算效率很高的小波 变换快速算法。

  • Discussed for the analysis of power system transient wavelet function the sampling frequency and data window and select the scale transform the principles and methods .

    讨论了适用于电力系统暂态分析的小波基函数、采样频率与数据 以及 变换尺度的选取原则和方法问题。

  • S Transform is used to extract the envelope and the length of analyzing window of S Transform needs to be defined .

    提取包络使用了S变换方法,首先需要确定S 变换的分析 窗口长度。

  • 3D measurement techniques using adaptive window Fourier transform

    自适应 窗口傅里叶 变换三维面形检测技术

  • Firstly the Gauss window is introduced to Fourier transform i.e. Gabor transform and applied to the fringe analysis . By introducing dilating transformation to the Gauss window function on the space scale dilating Gabor transform is got .

    首先在傅里叶 变换的基础上引入高斯 函数提出了 窗口傅里叶 变换条纹分析法,进而在高斯窗函数中引入伸缩变换提出伸缩窗口傅里叶变换分析。

  • It is also developing an interactive window that can transform the images of people walking past into characters in a Lego scene .

    该公司还在开发一种互动 橱窗,能够 路过者的图像变成乐高玩具情景中的人物。

  • Wavelet Transform comes in for the idea of localizing time-spectrum of window Fourier Transform as well as overcoming the disadvantages of window Fourier Transform .

    小波变换法继承和发展了 窗口Fourier 变换时、频局部化的思想,同时又克服了窗口不随频率变化、没有离散正交基的缺点;

  • The paper analyses the deficiencies of time-frequency resolution in short window time Fourier transform and sketches out both wavelet transform concept and multiresolution analysis . Multiresolution property of wavelet transform is then used to make the time-frequency analysis and processing of seismic and log signals .

    本文讨论了短时 傅里叶 变换时频分辨率的缺点,介绍了小波变换的基本概念及多分辨率分析方法,然后利用小波变换的多分辨率特性对地震和测井信号进行了时频分析和处理。

  • In comparison with other processing methods the wavelet transform method overcomes the shortcoming in the fast Fourier transform and can be applied to mutation signals and it has a variable window that the Gabor transform does not has .

    与其它处理方法相比,小波变换方法可以克服傅里叶变换对突变信号不起作用的缺点,同时又比Gabor 变换具有可变 窗口的优点。

  • A novel algorithm based on the cosine window transform ( CWT ) is proposed to estimate the symbol rate for the usual signals MPSK and QAM in communication .

    针对数字通信中常见的MPSK、QAM信号,提出了一种基于余弦 变换的码速率估计新算法。

  • Integrating the advantage of short-time window Fourier transform and wavelet transform S-transform has many characteristics such as linearity lossless invertibility high time-frequency resolution and so on .

    之后发展起来的S变换时频分析方法综合了短时 傅里叶 变换和小波变换的优点,具有线性化、无损可逆性以及高时频分辨率等特性。

  • As a stationary method it has low resolution due to its invariable time_frequency window even if the Gabor transform is adopted .

    但是频谱分析方法是稳态方法,即使采用Gabor 变换,也因时频 窗口形状不变而分辨率较低。

  • Further the time-frequency window is fixed in Fourier transform which is not adaptively adjusted . Hence the resolution ratio is low .

    由于 其时的宽度固定,不能自适应调整,因而分辨率较低。

  • According to the approximate linear characteristic of the window boundary the paper designs the vehicle window detection algorithm with template matching filter Hough transform integral projection and knowledge rules .

    针对车窗边界具有近似直线的特点,设计了模板匹配直线滤波、Hough 变换、积分投影和知识规则检测 车窗的算法。

  • Analysis of Influence of Window Function in Software Demodulation Based on Short-time Fourier Transform

    短时傅里叶 变换软件解调中 函数影响分析

  • 4 ) Using Fractional Fourier Transform the window of Short-time fourier Transform is optimized . This paper dissertates the optimization theory and Generalized Time-Bandwidth Product and estimates the instantaneous frequency ( IF ) of Nolinear Frequency Modulated Signal .

    4)利用分数阶Fourier变换(FRFT)来优化短时Fourier 变换 函数,详细地讲述优化原理、广义的时宽-带宽积。

  • Based on overlapped smooth window characteristic of complex lapped transform the method could decrease the discontinuity of block edge and thus produce a smooth motion field which may reduce bit stream for motion vector .

    利用复数交叠 变换的交叠 窗口平滑特性,该方法有效减少块边缘不连续性,因此得到的光流场较为平滑,从而减少运动矢量的传输码流。

  • Window functions interpolation and Fourier transform recursive algorithm for improving the harmonic analysis of power system

    改善电力系统谐波分析的 插值算法和递推 傅氏算法

  • A weighted algorithm of Triangular window and wavelet transform are using to measure active power and power factor of three-phase asynchronous motor in the non-sinusoidal waveform . The error of active power and power factor is proportional to square of relative frequency deviation .

    采用三角 加权算法并结合小波 变换计算非正弦状态下三相异步电机有功功率、功率因数,其测量误差与相对频偏的平方成正比。

  • Usually common spectral - decomposition methods include short-time window Fourier transform ( STFT ) wavelet transform ( WT ) maximum entropy ( ME ) etc.

    目前常见的谱分解技术包括短时 傅里叶 变换、小波变换、最大熵等。

  • This paper studies the window parameter selection of short-time Fourier transform ( STFT ) with Gaussian window in detection of linear FM signals .

    研究了高斯窗短时傅里叶 变换对线性调频信号检测的 窗口参数的选择。

  • The two window Fourier transform technique and its application in the spectrum analysis of quantum oscillations


  • Auto-tracking window echnique and the non-linear transform are combined to dynamically and continuously measure diameters when wobble occurs .

    为了能在血管晃动时进行测量,我们采用了自跟踪 窗口技术,并与非线性 变换联合使用实现了对微循环血管管径的动态连续测量。

  • The small target detection based on wavelet transform is that reasonable wavelet basis and wavelet transform window is selected with improved wavelet transform to filter small target image and threshold is segmented combining histogram threshold segmentation .

    基于小波变换的小目标检测,先利用改进的小波 变换选择合理的小波基和小波变换 窗口对小目标图像滤波,后结合直方图阈值分割法分割阈值。

  • The proposed recursive algorithm can improve the computation efficiency of image analysis using the slide rectangular window FFT or Gabor transform .

    该算法可以改善滑 傅氏变换或Gabor 变换的计算效率。

  • In application a moving window with constant length is designed . After wavelet transform of the data from the window square prediction error in the residual space is calculated with the latest coefficient to detect failure .

    实际应用中设计了固定窗长的移动 窗口,根据最后一个 尺度 系数计算残差空间的平方预报误差统计量进行故障检测;