


  • They became more experienced and wily .

    他们变得更加富有经验而 机警了。

  • He was literally what the British call a ' wheeler-dealer ' – a wily entrepreneur .

    他确确实实就是英国人所说的‘投机钻营者’:一位 老谋深算的企业家。

  • Wily criminals are increasingly operating black-market phoning businesses based in parks and on street corners .

    那些 老谋深算的罪犯们愈来愈多地在公园或街角从事黑市电话的交易。

  • Bees are wily creatures however whose ingenuity has nothing to do with the size of their brains .

    不过蜜蜂是有 智谋的生物,它们的才智与它们脑的大小毫无关系。

  • The prattle of the little ones and their pleasure in the stories I told them of elf and gnome of hero and wily bear are pleasant things to remember .

    我为他们讲述精灵和土地神、英雄和 狡猾的黑熊的故事,同这些小孩子们谈天说地,感受着他们的快乐,这对我的确是一种令人愉快的回忆。

  • Their boss is a bit of a wily old fox .

    他们的老板有点像一个 狡猾的老狐狸。

  • These reclusive wily jungle trolls are considered to be the highest authority within their respective warbands .

    这些隐遁的, 足智多谋的丛林巨魔在他们各自的战斗部落中享有最崇高的威望。

  • Can our heroes possibly defeat this wily creature ?

    我们的小英雄能战胜 狡猾 八戒吗?

  • I was much touched by this act of kindness on the part of that wily old man towards two utterly defenceless strangers .

    这位 足智多谋的老人对我们两个无依无靠的外乡人的关切 使我为之感动。

  • Jane is a wily old bird .

    简是个 诡计多端的老 太太

  • The wily lot may be excused for not jumping at the mother of dragons ' elevator pitch .

    狡猾的家伙没有欣然 接受龙之母的电梯推销,或许情有可原。

  • His appointment as prime minister owed much to the wily manoeuvring of the President .

    他之所以被任命为总理,很大程度上是因为总统在 阴谋操纵。

  • Cunning men often pass for wise ; deep political machinations ; a foxy scheme ; a slick evasive answer ; sly as a fox ; tricky dick ; a wily old attorney .

    狡猾的人经常被看作是聪明人;老谋深算的政治诡计;狡诈的计划;狡诈回避的回答;狡猾得像只狐狸;狡猾的迪克; 狡猾的老讼棍。

  • Matt was clever and wily and had a reputation for getting into trouble .

    马特聪明、 狡猾,并且因 他的 惹麻烦而闻名。

  • They 're wily those 50-year-olds .

    那些50岁的人,他们充满了 睿智

  • We know from history that every time we think we have outsmarted malaria we learn the humbling lesson that we are dealing with a very wily parasite .

    历史上,我们曾数次觉得已战胜了疟疾,而非常 狡猾的寄生虫每次都逃脱控制,让我们落了空,这是令人谦卑的教训。

  • For the wily warrior there is the Envenomed Sword !

    “淬毒剑”正是为那些 老谋深算的战士们准备的!

  • What was cried up by the wily merchant often turned out to be most unworthy of praise .

    凡是那位 奸商所大声赞扬的,往往是最一钱不值的。

  • With some wily forward planning we should be able to meet ourfinancial targets .

    作一些 明智的先期筹划,我们应该能够达到我们的财政目标。

  • In short the wily old Jew had the boy in his toils . That sly dog grabbed a cookie from the table while no one was in the room .

    简而言之, 狡猾的老犹太使那个孩子陷入了他的罗网。房间里没有人的时候,那只狡猾的狗从桌子上衔了一块小甜饼。

  • Even now the wily Zimbabwean liberation hero seems to be outwitting his rivals mediators and enemies in almost equal measure .

    甚至在现在,这位 老谋深算的津巴布韦解放英雄以几乎同样的方法,正在欺骗他的对手、仲裁者和敌人。

  • But many uncertainties remain including the intentions of a president noted for his wily brinkmanship .

    也门仍存在许多不确定因素,包括素以其 狡猾的边缘政策著称的这位总统的意图。

  • We tried to pin him down for a definite answer but he was too wily for us .

    我们想迫使他给我们一个确定的回答,但是他对我们来说太 滑头了。

  • I have noticed that many wily entrepreneurs hate to give a definitive yes or no to difficult questions .

    我注意到,许多 的企业家对棘手的问题不喜欢给出确定的“是”或“否”的答案。

  • He was out-witted by his wily opponent .

    他斗不过 诡计多端的对手。

  • However he was wily and dangerous .

    其实,他是 狡猾和危险的。

  • The succession of rebuffs he had suffered in the platoon had made him more wily .

    他在候察排里碰到的一连串钉子,使他 学乖了。

  • Her father was a wily old attorney .

    她父亲是一个 狡猾的老 法官。

  • Fast graduated with a Masters from Central Saint Martins in2008 and his first collection was promptly snapped up by the most wily retailer in the business Browns .

    2008年快速毕业于中央圣马丁的大师,他的首部作品被最 狡猾的零售商布朗在业务内迅速抢购了。

  • But for now the new research at least gives some meaning to the empty adjective wily .

    但就目前而言,这项新研究至少给 老谋深算这个空洞的形容词赋予了一些意义。