The output-input ratio for artificial supplementary energy of the planting sub-system is 1.91 ; and that ratio of the entire system is 1.2 .
其中种植亚系统的人工 辅助能产投比为1.91,全系统的人工 辅助能产投 比为1.2。
In the case of Wulian County in Shandong Province The output-input ratio for artificial supplementary energy of the planting sub-system is 1.81 and that ratio for artificial supplementary energy of the entire system is 0.51 .
在山东省五莲县的县域循环农业模式案例中,种植亚系统的人工 辅助能产投比为1.81,系统总人工辅助能的产投 比为0.51。
The full text of the overall thinking on two aspects : First commercial banks how to conduct supplementary capital effectively raising the capital adequacy ratio and the other is how to improve the capital adequacy rate management mechanism strengthen risk management capabilities .
全文的整体思路围绕两个方面展开:一是商业银行如何进行资本 补充,有效提高资本充足 率;二是如何健全资本充足率管理机制,强化风险管理能力。
This study indicated that the supplementary level of selenium at 0.15 mg / kg and zinc at 50 mg / kg in diet should be an appropriate ratio which would keep the normal gut barrier function in the broiler .
结论:日粮中按锌50mg/kg、硒 0.15mg/kg 的 比例 添加,对于维持肠道黏膜的正常屏障结构是合适的。过高或过低的锌和硒对小肠黏膜有毒性作用,破坏其屏障功能;
If the issuer provides an earnings forecast it shall additionally make a supplementary disclosure of the price-earnings ratio based on the earnings forecast .
提供盈利预测的发行人还应当 补充披露基于盈利预测的发行市盈 率。
Finding of the study on supplementary effects is that added by Chinese herbal extracts or chromium preparation alone Jinhua pig 's daily gain is raised feed gain ratio reduced and carcass quality improved .
在 互补效应的研究中发现,单独添加中草药或有机铬制剂均能提高金华猪的日增重、降低料重 比,并改善胴体品质。
In a year with enough precipitation the volume of supplementary irrigation that satisfied to the maximum efficiency of the crop water utilization was 45 mm and that of the highest ratio of irrigated water utilization ranged from 30 mm to 45 mm .
在雨水偏丰的年份,满足最高作物水分利用效率的 补充灌水量为45mm,满足灌溉水利用 率最高时的 补充灌水量为30~45mm。
[经] 补充比率