The full line gives the shape of the surface at the instant show . Circles that can appear filled or empty ( on or off ); use as indicators on a feature comparison chart .
实线表示某一瞬间 液体 表面的形状。可以显示实心或空心圆(表示开或关);用作功能比较 图的指示符。
IDSS is applied in intelligent constructing machine groups ; Explaining the IDSS program which is writed with Vc + + 6.0 language and used in the construction of road surface with asphalt concrete . Simultaneity introducing the flowing chart interface and the operating of program structure .
开发了由VC++6.0语言进行编程的沥青混凝土 路面智能决策调度支持系统的程序,阐述了该程序的结构 流程、程序界面和操作等。
Based on the above LAT in Bohai Rim area is established by surface fitting as the seamless chart datum model of this area .
并在此基础上对渤海湾海区最低天文潮 面进行了拟合,建立了该区域的无缝 深度基准面模型。
The emigratory areas in the northward migrating process in spring-summer are located in the warm sector of warm low on surface and in partial southern air stream on 850 mb isobaric chart especially in the region controlled by SW air stream .
春、夏季的北迁,迁出地一般位于 地面热低压系统的暖区和高空850毫巴 图上的偏南气流,特别是西南气流的控制区域;
With the data published on Surface Meteorological Monthly Bulletin and Surface Chart during 1971-1996 the temporal variation of sand-dust storms invading Beijing is analyzed . Furthermore the movement routines and source locations of sand-dust storms are determined in assistance with GIS .
利用1971-1996年的地面气象月报和 地面天气 图资料,借助地理信息系统,逐次分析了影响北京地区沙尘暴天气过程的演变规律,确定了影响北京地区沙尘暴天气过程的移动路径和源地。
Considering the feature affected by the strongest typhoon ( on 30 & 31 Aug. 1939 ) in this port is 81.00kg / m ~ 2 obtained from the surface weather chart .
同时考虑到近五十年来影响本港最严重的一次台风过程(1939年8月30&31日)计算出基本风压为 81.00公斤/米~2,作为特别重要或有特殊要求构筑 物基本风压 设计标准。
Using Matlab programming to achieve the non uniform B spline curves and surfaces the positive operator inverse derivative vector algorithm to calculate the integral impeller blades ruled surface data point and generates the effect chart .
在Matlab编写非均匀B样条曲线的正算、反算、导矢等算法,计算出整体叶轮、直纹面叶片、叶片等距面、叶片缝合 面的数据点并生成效果 图。
Furthermore the interface circuit of surface temperature measurement and its software flow chart are given out .
给出了 表面测温电路的硬件接口与软件流程 图。
Combining CINRAD / CC Doppler radar data with some routine observation data including surface and aerological chart Yuzhong RW station information ground-based automatism stations observations and DEM data in the distance of 150 km the mesoscale weather processes on 18 August 2004 have been analyzed .
利用兰州 CINRAD/CC多普勒天气雷达观测资料及探空资料、自动站及测站150km范围内的数字高程模型(DEM)资料等,对2004年8月18日发生在甘肃中部的中小尺度冰雹天气过程进行分析。
Network is the supporting environment management module dispatches and organize and coordinate the design process database module save all the shared resources design tool includes oil-gas field surface engineering process chart CAD and other aided tools .
网络是协同设计的支撑环境,协同设计管理对系统的设计过程进行总体管理、调度、协调和组织,数据库存储了设计所需的共享资源,工艺 流程CAD是协同设计系统专有的 绘图工具。
And also the effects on costs optimization of the choices of the blade matrix metal the usage of diamond 's surface metallization technique in production the improvements of blade structure and producing flow chart etc were discussed .
重点分析了金刚石的 品级、粒度和浓度对成本的影响,论述了金刚石锯片金属胎体的选择,金刚石 表面金属化在金刚石锯片生产中的使用以及改进锯片的结构和生产工艺对成本优化的影响。
A Method for Drawing Surface Weather Chart and Contours of Meteorological Elements
一种绘制 地面天气 图及要素场等值线方法
To add a3-d shading effect to the surface chart on the options tab select the3-D shading check box .
要给 曲面 图添加三维底纹效果,在“选项”选项卡上,选择“三维阴影”复选框。
美[ˈsɚfəs tʃɑrt]英[ˈsə:fis tʃɑ:t]