surface chemistry

[ˈsɚfəs ˈkɛmɪstri][ˈsə:fis ˈkemistri]


  • Analysed the Performance of reducing-water by molecular structure and surface chemistry with physics and chemistry .

    从分子构型及 表面 化学的角度对其减水性能进行了物理和化学方面的分析。

  • The possibility of separating the graphite and talc by controlling the gas-solution interfacial tension based on the surface chemistry was proved in this paper and experiment result is satisfactory .

    本文以 表面 化学为基础,论证了用控制气-液界面表面张力的方法分选石墨和滑石矿物的可行性,并通过实验,得到了较满意的效果。

  • Studies on the Surface Chemistry and Morphology of Li and Li-C Electrodes

    Li、Li-C电极 表面 化学和形态表征研究方法

  • Application of surface chemistry and membrane technology in the pharmaceutical separation and purification process

    表面 化学 原理和膜技术在药物分离与纯化过程中的应用

  • This paper deals with the mechanism of dissolution reaction kinetics of minerals in aqueous solution based on the theory of surface chemistry .

    本文应用 表面 化学理论分析了矿物在水溶液中的溶解反应动力学机理。

  • Finally the adsorption mechanism of worm-like EG was discussed based on thermodynamics and surface chemistry .

    最后,从热力学和 表面 化学出发,对蠕虫状EG为代表的多孔炭材料的吸油机理进行了探讨。

  • Solution and surface chemistry of flotation and activation of quartz

    石英活化、浮选的溶液和 表面 化学

  • Recently the research of silicon surface modified by organic molecules has become the highlight in surface chemistry .

    有机单分子层修饰硅表面是近年来硅 表面 化学领域的一个研究热点,引起了研究者的广泛重视。

  • Surface chemistry is a new subject which studies chemical change on two-phase boundary based on atoms and molecules and which has important application in varied subjects and field .

    表面 化学是在原子、分子水平上研究两相界面上所发生的化学变化的一门崭新学科,在多种学科和领域具有重要应用。

  • Research on surface chemistry and mechanical properties of SiC whisker

    SiC晶须 表面 化学与力学性能的研究

  • Using XPS surface characterization technique analysis the surface chemistry changes between original sample and plasma processing samples .

    用XPS表面表征技术分析等离子处理样与原样 表面 化学 组成的变化。

  • Study on the LMS Modification of Masson Pine TMP and Characterization of Surface Chemistry and Morphology

    马尾松TMP纤维LMS改性及其 表面 化学和形貌表征的研究

  • The reason of agglomerating and the mechanism of eliminating agglomerates in the Sol-Gel process have been studied using the fundamental of colloid and surface chemistry .

    应用胶体和 表面 化学的基本原理刘用Sol&Gel法制备氧化铝超细粉末过程中团聚现象产生的原因和消除机理进行了研究;

  • The pore structure and surface chemistry of these activated carbon fibers as well as the particle distribution of metal particles on activated carbon fibers have been characterized .

    表征了负载贵金属后活性炭纤维的孔结构变化,以及活性炭纤维表面贵金属颗粒的分布和 表面 化学 性质

  • The device relies on specialized surface chemistry that avoids protein adsorption except for those molecules that need to be detected .

    以一个特殊的 化学 表面,不吸附其他蛋白,只吸附需要被检测的分子。

  • Nitric acid has much more surface chemistry effects on the low modulus carbon fiber than high modulus one . Model of diaphragmatic fatigue in vitro induced by hypoxic hypercapnic acidosis

    硝酸氧化对低模量碳纤维的 表面 性远比高模量碳纤维的大。低氧高碳酸性离体膈肌疲劳模型的建立

  • The structural properties and surface chemistry of the samples with different treatments were characterized by using sorption of nitrogen and Boehm titration respectively .

    实验所选活性炭及相应的表面改性炭使用氮气吸附和Boehm滴定分别进行了结构性质和 表面 化学表征。

  • Better telescopes than exist now might then study the atmospheres of such planets looking for evidence about their surface chemistry and ( inevitably ) for signs of life .

    到那时,比目前更好的望远镜可能会研究这些行星的大气,寻找他们 表面 化学以及(不可避免的)生命迹象的证据。

  • Plasma treatment can also change the surface chemistry ( and thus surface properties ) of other materials such as silicon stainless steel and glass .

    等离子处理也能改变其它材料的 表面 化学(表面性质),如硅、不锈钢及玻璃。

  • Humanity will go into the age of nanometer and surface chemistry is bound to present a completely new world .

    人类将步入纳米时代, 表面 化学展现的是一个崭新世界。

  • Study on the improvement of one-step alkyl glucoside synthesis and the impact of colloid and surface chemistry factors

    一步法烷基糖苷合成工艺改进与胶体与 表面 化学现象研究

  • We follow rules and formulations from quantitative studies of adsorption and diffusion processes in surface chemistry and the textile industry .

    在算法的具体设计过程中,我们大量参考了 表面 化学和纺织工业中对吸附和扩散过程研究所得出的定性规律和定量方程。

  • Due to the unique and controlled pore structure and surface chemistry mesoporous carbon materials have been widely used in the fields of catalysis gas separation electrochemistry and so on .

    中孔炭材料具有可控的孔隙结构和 表面 化学 性质,在催化、气体分离和电化学等领域具有广泛的应用。

  • Something New about Surface Chemistry

    关于物质 表面 化学的新知识

  • The composition structure surface characteristic mechanical property and cell compatibility of the scaffold have been studied by using surface chemistry and material mechanics testing methods .

    采用 表面 化学和材料力学方法,探讨了支架的组成、结构、表面特性、力学性质及细胞相容性。

  • The surface chemistry of magnesium alloy is analysised by solid fluorescence spectroscopy and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy .

    采用了固体荧光光谱、傅里叶红外光谱对镁合金试样的 表面 化学 成分进行了分析。

  • The paper studied the process of adsorptive foam separation for the recovery of Zn ( II ) Cu ( II ) in the solution by the guide of surface chemistry coordination chemistry and chemical transfer theory .

    本文以 表面 化学、配位化学及化工传递原理为指导,对泡沫吸附分离和浓缩溶液中有价金属离子铜、锌的过程进行了研究和探索。

  • Combining with analysis of structure surface chemistry property and flocky mechanism of carbon black this paper mainly introduced the dispersant dispersion method and the surface graft modification method which were used to disperse carbon black in aquo - system .

    结合炭黑的结构、 表面 化学性质以及絮凝机理的分析,介绍了分散剂法和炭黑表面接枝改性法对炭黑在水性体系中的分散。

  • Study on surface modification which has been performed a long time was a key topic not only in surface chemistry but also interface engineering .

    表面改性的研究已有较长的时间,不仅成为 表面 化学中的热门课题,也是界面工程中的重要研究课题之一。

  • The curriculum mainly introduces the fundamental principle and research technique on chemical thermodynamics chemical kinetics electrochemistry surface chemistry and colloid chemistry and so on .

    本课程主要介绍化学热力学、化学动力学、电化学、 表面 化学、胶体等基本原理知识和研究方法。