switch control computer

[swɪtʃ kənˈtrol kəmˈpjutɚ][switʃ kənˈtrəul kəmˈpju:tə]


  • The structure of distributed multimedia management combining with centralized switch control incarnates the coalescent of computer network technology and communications network technology .

    其分布式媒体处理和集中式 交换 控制相结合的体系结构充分体现了 计算机网络技术和通信网技术的有机结合,为电信网向以IP为核心的分组化方向演进提供了可行的解决方案。

  • In this paper we designed zero voltage switch to control circuit applied computer interrupt technique to find voltage current zero point .

    针对 工业现场这一情况,笔者设计了零电压 开关 控制电路,并利用 单片机中断功能准确查找交流电压为0的点。

  • To realize the starter performance testing of switch no load load and brake a two-layer computer-controlling testing system is developed which is based on the testing theory of the automobile starter and composed of the industrial control computer and the programmable logic controller .

    本文根据汽车起动机性能测试要求,开发出由 工控 和可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)构成的两级计算机控制的测试系统,实现了起动机 开关性能、空载性能、负载性能以及制动性能测试。

  • Any of a protection switch moves the information will be recorded in the communication terminal . Communication terminal with built-in relay control system to stop running the information can also be sent to host computer centralized control .

    任何一个保护 开关动作,其信息都会纪录在通讯总站内,通讯总站可以通过自带的继电器 控制系统停止运行,也可以将信息送给 上位 集中控制。

  • The automation measurement system of the air pump switch is introduced in this paper . The system adjusts position of the pressure spring and establishes the pressure signal of the air pump switch by industrial control computer .

    介绍了气泵压力开关的性能参数自动调整测控系统,该系统采用 工控 系统 控制步进电机来实现对气泵 开关压力弹簧位置的调整以及压力信号的设置。

  • Based on the mathematic model of ideal switch function for a single-phase 4-quadrant converter five kinds of control strategy are studied and analysis is made for each strategy by computer simulation .

    在建立基于理想 开关函数的单相四象限变流器数学模型的基础上,对四象限变流器常用的5种 控制策略进行研究,并通过 计算机仿真对各种 控制策略的 控制性能进行对比分析。