switching time


  • In reconfigurable system the key to make full use of the reconfigurable resource and improve the performance is how to determine configuration time and switching time of the task .

    在可重构系统中,如何确定可重构任务在器件上的配置和 切换 时机,从而充分利用可重构资源配置和运行可重构任务,是提高可重构系统性能的关键。

  • The influence of initial frequency deviation for frequency switching time in PLL synthesizers is analysed in this paper .

    本文分析在鉴定锁相合成器频率 转换 时间指标时存在的初始频差的确定问题。

  • Subsequently the natural frequency of the optical switch has been calculated and the switching time is analyzed .

    随后,计算了光开关的固有频率,并且分析了光开关的 开关 速度

  • According to solving the dynamic equation the effect of the air squeeze film damping on the switching time is given .

    通过求解动力学方程,给出空气压膜阻尼效应对于 开关 响应 时间的影响。

  • As the results of calculation and simulation accord with the experimental data criterion for identifying power switching pot and switching time of the energy saving motor is offered .

    计算和仿真结果与实验数据相吻合,这为节能电机功率切换点和 切换 时间的确定提供了依据。

  • After mixing with PLL the frequency switching time of the frequency synthesis system is completely decided by DDS and the system can produce fast hopping frequency output which can improve the frequency-hopping system security anti-jamming and anti-interception capability .

    通过与PLL混频之后,其频率 转换 时间完全与DDS决定,能够产生快速跳变的频率输出,而且快速频率跳变能够提高跳频系统的安全性、抗干扰、抗截获能力。

  • The single most important parameter in the design of a ferrite memory is the core switching time .

    在铁氧体存贮器设计中,一个重要的参数是磁芯 翻转 时间

  • The length of switching time is an important parameter in magneto-optic switch .

    开关 时间的长短是磁光开关的一个重要性能参数。

  • The frequency interval is 100 Hz switching time less than 0.01 second .

    频率合成器的输出频率范围2~29.9999MHz,频率间隔100Hz, 时间小于0.01s。

  • The switching time is 300 ns and the conditions for realizing fast switching are analysed theoretically .

    开启 时间为300ns。在理论上分析了实现快速开关的条件。

  • And particularly analyze and compare the protection switching time of each recovery scheme .

    然后对比分析了各个恢复方案的保护 倒换 时间

  • Cross office switching time

    交叉电话局 转换 时间

  • The exact measurement on switching time provides reference for optical switches using in different field .

    准确测量光开关的 转换 时间为其应用在不同领域提供了参考。

  • The influences of the temperature of heated air and switching time are researched on nitrogen oxide emission ;

    研究空气预热温度、 切换 周期对烟气中NO、排放的影响;

  • Decreasing length of device can improve switching speed ( decreasing switching time ) .

    而且环形光开光器件环长的减小对于提高光开关的开关速度(降低 开关 时间)有利。

  • It can determine the configuration based on monitoring the switching time .

    基于对 开关 器件 / 的监测,计算组态 转换 时刻,判断 系统组态的 转换

  • The advantage of having a fast frequency switching time the high frequency resolution programmable control .

    具有频率 转换 时间快、频率分辨率高、可编程控制等优点。

  • Research on characteristic and Measurement of Switching Time for Automatic Wilding Filter

    自动变光焊接滤光镜的 转换 时间的特性及测量

  • Switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened five times .

    新型晶体管的 开关 时间缩短了五分之四。

  • Pointed out that the biggest problem affecting the quality control is the switching time and the adjust of the selection .

    指出影响控制质量的最大问题是 切换 时刻和调节方式的选取。

  • Reasonably selecting the switching time and the number of position of ATSE .

    合理地选择ATSE的 切换 时间及其位数。

  • A novel dynamic switching method is put forward to optimize the turn-off process of IGBT which can restrain the over-voltage and reduce the turn-off switching time and losses .

    提出了动态关断的方法优化了关断过程,在小的关 时间和关断损耗下抑制了过电压。

  • The method of optimizing the switching time and decreasing the effect of crosstalk was found by analyzing the transients of different switching currents .

    通过分析不同切换电流下的瞬态过程,得到了 切换 时间优化和减小信道间串扰的启示。

  • Switching time of bipolar transistor

    双极晶体管 开关 时间

  • Compared with other similar optical switches it has the advantages of short switching time high diffraction efficiency and low operating voltage .

    与同类光开关相比,这种开关具有 开关 时间短、衍射效率高和工作电压低的优点。

  • Laser-diode pumped Q-switched ytterbium-doped fiber laser is studied experimentally by controlling the switching time of acoustooptic modulator ( AOM ) .

    在实验上,研究了 开关 时间对激光二极管泵浦的调Q掺镱光纤激光器的影响。

  • Switching time delay is affected by polarity of trigger voltage and trigger energy .

    研究表明导 时延受触发极性以及触发能量的影响。

  • The switching time of this new transistor reduced three times .

    这种新晶体管的 开关 时间将缩短三分之二。

  • Performance Analysis for Optical Packet Assembly Strategy Considering Switching Time

    考虑 开关 稳定 响应 时间的光分组组装性能分析

  • The paper also investigates the protection switching procedure and calculates the formula of the protection switching time .

    文本还研究了双链路失效的保护 切换 时间,详细描述了保护切换过程。