Fern having rootstock of a sweetish flavor . Many climbing ferns have long creeping rhizomes .
根茎 发 甜的蕨类植物。许多攀援蕨类具有较长的蔓延根状茎。
Nettles are surprisingly good — much like spinach but with a sweetish taste .
没想到荨麻这么好吃——很像菠菜,但带了 点 甜味。
The fruit of any of these trees having a sweetish acidic juice .
橘这些树的带有 甜酸 汁水的果实。
The longer the wine has been stored the more sweetish and mellow it tastes .
酒存放的时间越长,味道就越 甘甜、芬芳。
Tropical fruit from the Philippines having a mass of small seeds embedded in sweetish white pulp .
来自菲律宾的热带水果,果肉白色 微 甜,籽小呈团 状。
They say Longjing tea is pure and fragrant and has a sweetish and mellow taste .
听说龙井茶清纯芬芳,口味 甘美醇和。
Long pod containing small beans and sweetish edible pulp ; used as animal feed and source of a chocolate substitute .
豆荚中包含有小豆和 有 点 甜的可食用的果肉; 通常被用作动物饲料或巧克力替代品的原料。
Its tasting assessment is slightly sweetish . The bitter level is 1 / 3 or 1 / 5 of tea extract .
品味评价 稍带 甜味, 并 带苦味,苦味为茶抽出物的1/3~1/5. 但在 实用 的 剂量 范围内,味觉是正常的与可以接受的。
Nerve gases are clear and colorless and they can be odorless or have a slight sweetish smell .
神经毒气透明无色,可以是无气味的也可以是稍带 甜味的。
The Jiangsu cooking style is known for its wide variety of ingredients and sweetish flavors .
苏菜的烹调风格以 用料广泛、味道 微 甜而著名。
A sweetish crystalline amino acid . sweetened beverage of lime juice and water .
一种 略带 甜味的晶状氨基酸。酸橙汁和水混合的甜饮料。
There was a sweetish smell vaguely reminiscent of coffee .
有一种 甜甜的气味,好像咖啡的气味。