swept core

[swɛpt kɔr][swept kɔ:]

[机] 旋刮板砂心

  • How to calculate the intersection points between line and cutter swept volume ( CSV ) is a core problem in NC program graphical verification and machining process simulation techniques .

    直线与刀具 扫描体的交点问题是数控图形验证、加工过程仿真技术中的 核心问题。

  • The former command economies when they were swept away embraced the idea of a trading system with rules and free trade at its core .

    过去的那些计划经济体在 肃清之时,接受了以规定和自由贸易为 核心的贸易体系的观点。

  • The blizzard swept across the vast grasslands . THE EFFECT OF SNOW STORM IN THE SOUTH OF HIMALAYAS ON δ ~ ( 18 ) O IN ICE CORE RECORD

    那场暴风雪 席卷大草原。喜马拉雅山南坡冬季暴雪对高原南部 冰芯中稳定同位素记录的影响

  • Oil un swept in micro scale heterogeneous portions of the core .

    4 岩心微观非质部分未 波及 残余油。