syntactic item

[sɪnˈtæktɪk ˈaɪtəm][sɪnˈtæktɪk ˈaitəm]

[计] 语法项目

  • The main conclusions of this article are the following : Firstly the syntactic structure of comparative sentences is very flexible though semantically it must have three components : comparative item ( including comparative subject and comparative object ) comparative result and comparative marker .

    第一,不及范畴比较句 句法形式灵活多变,但其语义要求此类句式的构件必须包括比较 (包括比较主体和比较客体),比较结果和比较标记。

  • The Comparative Construction is a special sentence structure in contemporary Chinese whose syntactic meaning mainly reflected by the conclusion item .

    差比句是现代汉语中的一种特殊句式,它的 句式意义主要体现在结论 中。

  • According to these two theories only in certain syntactic structures can a lexical item be semantically and grammatically right in a phrase clause or sentence .

    这两个理论认为,当使用于短语、从句或句子中时,词 只有在特定的 句法结构中才能语义正确、合乎语法。

  • Moreover there is no syntactic item of directional complement in many other languages . Therefore the directional complement is also difficulty .

    另外,在很多语言中都没有趋向补语这一 语法 项目,以致趋向补语成为留学生学习的难点之一。

  • ' BE ' is widely used in English and is related with many other syntactic rules and therefore the use of ' BE ' is a very important item in grammar acquisition .

    BE在英语中应用广泛,涉及众多 语法规则,因而有关BE的使用是英语中一个很重要的语法习得 项目