


  • This essay discusses the system of the Japanese syllabary the influence of the ancient Chinese characters upon the Japanese culture the formation of the Japanese syllabary and the meaning of Chinese characters to the Japanese .

    概述了日本的 文字体系,探讨了早期汉字对日本文化的影响以及日本文字体系(汉字 假名)这一特殊文字的形成,最后,剖析了汉字对于日本的意义,阐明了观点。

  • The second part is Homophony Syllabary of Wuxi Dialect .

    第二部分是列出无锡方言同音 字汇

  • From Antique Culture of Han-Tang Dynasties to the Japanese Syllabary

    从汉唐文化到日本 假名

  • The present paper describes the phonetic system of Hejie dialect mainly including its tones phonetic characteristics and syllabary list .

    本文主要介绍廉江石角客家方言音系,包括声韵调、语音特点和 同音 字汇 部分

  • In doing so they developed spelling conventions to represent sound patterns found in Greek but not in the syllabary .

    这样,希腊人就 需要 规定一些“拼写惯例”来表示在希腊 语音 里面所没有的 发音

  • Homophony Syllabary of Wuzhou Dialect in Fuchuan County

    富川县梧州话同音 字汇

  • Vision and sound signal processing the Japanese syllabary

    图像和伴音信号处理日本语 五十 名表

  • The paper describes the phonological system and its features of Changle dialect in Miluo county Hunan province and lists its homophony syllabary .

    本文描写湖南汨罗长乐方言音系, 主要 包括长乐方言的声韵调及其特点、长乐方言 同音 字汇

  • The Homophony syllabary of Luohe Dialect in Pingli County Shaanxi Province

    陕西平利洛河方言同音 字汇

  • Syllabary of Chengdu Dialect

    成都 话音

  • A Probe into the Design of Infra-structure for Power Transmission Line in PanZhiHua ; Syllabary of the Local Dialect in Panzhihua (ⅰ)

    对攀枝花地区送电线路基础设计有关问题的探讨四川 攀枝花 市区本地方言 (上)

  • A1000-year-old Han-Tang culture had a major impact on the syllabary .

    一千年的汉唐文化对日本 假名影响重大。

  • The syllabary reflects the internal phonological discrepancies within Shaoxing dialect in earlier time as well as the present speech of the seniors .

    同音 字汇反映了绍兴方言稍早时 韵母的内部分歧和目前的老年口音。

  • Consisting of or using a syllabary or syllabic characters .

    由音节或音符构成、或使用 音节或音符。

  • This paper describes the phonologic system and its features of Guanyinge Tuhua Guanyang Guangxi province and lists the syllabary .

    本文描写了广西灌阳观音阁土话的 系,内容主要包括灌阳观音阁土话的声韵调、语音特点、 同音 字汇 部分

  • Qi County dialect belongs to the Jin Dialect and 19 initials 39 simple or compound vowels 5 tone types are included in its syllabary .

    祁县方言音 :包括19个声母,39个韵母,5个 调类