


  • Baudelaire and the Symbolistic Poetry Art of China

    波德莱尔与中国 象征派诗艺

  • There was a huge controversy over the meanings of XiangXing past dynasties mostly concentrate on the symbolistic penalty and promulgating the image of penalty .

    关于“象刑”的含义历代都有争论,主要有 象征 刑罚、公布刑罚的图象两种观点。

  • Just the sublime position the three enjoy in the people makes them the symbolistic things in the Chinese culture .

    三者在人们 观念 形成的这种崇高地位,正是它们 所以成为文化 标志 根本 原因

  • The idea of god can be disclosed by various art language . Nearly every back of image conceals profound meaning . Therefore medieval art is first a kind of symbolistic art its form only uses for conveying faith .

    上帝的思想通过各种艺术语言被揭示出来,几乎每个图像的背后都隐藏深意,因此中世纪艺术首先是一种 象征主义艺术,它的形式仅仅是传达信仰的 载体

  • Next it explores Vuillard 's practice in different areas in 1890s and the interaction of the painting poetics and theater which is the precondition for analyzing the symbolistic factors of his paintings .

    其次分析了维亚尔在19世纪90年代参与象征主义运动的实践,探讨绘画、诗歌和戏剧之间的相互影响,这是理解维亚尔绘画的 象征主义因素的铺垫和前提。

  • This thesis firstly introduces the social background of symbolism movement and its theory which offers a standard to judge the symbolistic factors of Vuillard 's works .

    本文首先分析了象征主义运动产生的社会背景及其理论原则,这是判断维亚尔绘画中 象征主义因素的标准;

  • Already the press of arousal can not achieve symbolistic earnings only readily .

    已经觉醒的出版社,并不甘心只能获得 象征 的收益。

  • Then what are the symbolistic factors of Vuillard 's paintings ?

    那么维亚尔的绘画中到底存在着哪些 象征主义因素呢?

  • Among which symbolistic activity is the noticeable culture character shared value and shared behaviour is the recessive deeper and unnoticeable culture character .

    其中, 象征 活动是外显的可感知的文化特征,而共享价值观和共享行为规范是隐性的、深层的、不易被察觉的文化特征。

  • And basing upon the study to more probe into the symbolistic meaning of the form of odd number and even number in ancient times sacrificial culture .

    特别是数字的奇偶形式,其于古老的阴阳 观念作用下,在上古祭祀文化中 具有 系统 象征意义。

  • The model configuration emerged into the symbolistic configuration category it 's entitative at first then became the dialectical category it 's the thinking theory mode and the position of ancient painterly theory .

    结构范畴产生于 结构范畴中,先成为实 结构范畴,最终成为具有 框架 和辨证 的范畴,它是古代 画论立论之所在和思维运作的理论化模式。

  • The anxiety it causes makes Chinese Pure Poetry have no symbolistic origins as Pure Poetry does .

    这个目标所引发的焦虑,使中国化纯诗一开始就不具备 象征主义纯诗的 艺术起点。

  • The description process hold the whole organization culture through hero artificiality and characteristic activities which are the basic factors of symbolistic activity .

    描述过程主要从组织文化 具体 层级 & 象征 活动的三个基本要素 英雄、人造品、特色活动入手,把握学校组织文化的整体性。

  • Perfect products reasonable prices flexible management it makes our products well used for large-scale symbolistic project in Hangzhou area and exported to the United States and Japan .

    精美的产品,合理的价格,灵活的经营方式,产品在杭州地区 形象工程中大量使用,并远销美国、日本等。

  • Organization culture is a spirit power in school management which can be divided into three levels from abstract to concrete : shared-value shared-behaviour and symbolistic activity .

    学校组织文化是学校管理的精神性引导力量,它分为三个由抽象到具体的层级模式:共享价值观、共享行为规范和 象征 活动。

  • But this placename been all along continued . It has become signal and symbolistic resource for its posterity about memory of heritage and mobilize of sense .

    但这一地名得以延续,成为其后辈遗产记忆和意义调动的 符号资源。

  • The Old Man and the Sea : One of the Masterpieces of Symbolistic Maritime Literature The Place de la Concorde which had become the Place Louis XV . once more was choked with happy promenaders .

    《老人与海》: 象征 海洋文学的杰作协和广场(当时已经恢复旧名,叫路易十五广场)上人山人海,个个喜气洋洋。