


  • Port Logistics Industry Cluster Analysis Based on Symbiosis Theory

    基于 共生理论的港口物流产业集群特征分析

  • The application of research methods in the symbiosis between orchids and fungi

    兰科植物与真菌 共生关系研究方法及其应用

  • As things stand the relationship between the circle-makers and those who interpret their work has become a curious symbiosis of art and artifice deception and belief .

    照目前情况看来,假造麦田圈的人和诠释他们作品的人形成了一种奇怪的艺术和诡计 共生,欺骗和相信 共生的关系。

  • The Research on Development of Enterprise Technology Alliances : Based on Symbiosis Theory

    基于 共生理论的企业技术联盟发展研究

  • Study on Symbiosis Governance and Evolution among Clusters of Enterprises

    集群内组织间 共生治理模式及演进研究

  • The school advocates the course culture which has the symbiosis of Personality and Creation .

    巴蜀国际倡导个性与创造 共生的课程文化。

  • Research on Operation Pattern of Industrial Symbiosis Network in Eco-Industry Park

    生态工业园中工业 共生网络运作模式研究

  • That symbiosis provides a mutual incentive not to agree to anything that appears to threaten demand .

    这种 共生关系两国提供了一个共同动机,不会同意任何可能危及需求的行为。

  • The nature city mankind become an organic whole forming the structure of mutualistic symbiosis .

    但它却是构成园林景观整体形象的有机组分。自然、市、类融为有机整体,形成互惠 共生结构。

  • Symbiosis : A Philosophic Idea with Reality and Value Unified


  • The motivation of enterprise participation in industrial symbiosis is saving cost and gaining the most profits .

    企业参与工业 共生 机理在于节省成本费用,实现利润最大化。

  • There is no doubt that the symbiosis between social values and political structure has produced an extraordinary record of achievement .

    社会价值观念和政治结构的 共生 现象无疑带来了非凡的成就。

  • Ladies and gentlemen the combination of golf and tourism is a complementary symbiosis cooperation win-win relationship .

    女士们,先生们,高尔夫运动与旅游活动的结合是一种互补 共生、合作双赢的关系。

  • The symbiosis relation is a result of the game of the channel member ;

    和谐 共生关系的 形成,是渠道成员 相互博弈的果。

  • There is no other team with the privilege to have such a deep symbiosis with a football genius .

    从没有任何一个球队与一个足球天才保持着如此深的特殊 依附 关系

  • There are two essential types in people 's symbiosis : dealing cooperate and organizing cooperate .

    人类 合作 关系有两种基本类型:交易型合作和组织型合作。

  • Systemic symbiosis is the foundation for the development of electric vehicle industry .

    摘要系统 共生是实现电动汽车产业发展的基础与依据。

  • The use of antibiotics disturbed the symbiosis between bacteria and fungi .

    抗生素的应用,扰乱了细菌和真菌的 共生 现象

  • Research to Symbiosis of Internal Control and Organizational Change

    内部控制与组织变革的 相互 生性研究

  • Symbiosis as a major evolutionary force was not discussed at all in the evolutionary synthesis .

    在进化综合论中, 共生 现象根本不作为一个进化的主要力量来讨论。

  • In the harmonious society enterprises ethical credibility is to act following the harmonious symbiosis vision and model .

    和谐主题下企业伦理诚信的本质是采取与社会和谐 共生的方式行事。

  • It is emphasized that the strategy alliance is the inevitable choice to realize the symbiosis economy of Chinas enterprises .

    强调战略联盟是我国企业实现 共生经济的必然选择。

  • The symbiosis behavior mode of enterprise and farmer household include commensalism dissymmetry mutualism and symmetry mutualism .

    企业与农户 共生行为模式包括偏利共生、非对称性互惠共生和对称性互惠共生三种。

  • The human society is entering an age of diverse symbiosis .

    人类社会正迈入一个“多元 共生的时代”。

  • Thought of symbiosis and circulation was put into practice then Kyocera 's strategy of environmental protection and Japanese circulatory economy .

    这一思想付诸实践,就 形成京瓷公司的环保战略和日本的循环经济。

  • The symbiosis of multiple forms of contemporary theories is still taking the lead in this special historical period .

    而以多元 共生现实形态的文学理论仍然具有其特定时代的主导趋向。

  • Industrial symbiosis is a novel approach to ensuring environmentally sustainable industrial development such as through establishing an energy-efficient supply chain system .

    工业 共生是一种同时保证环境保护和工业可持续发展的新途径,比如,通过建立一个高效节能供应链系统来实现资源最优化配置。

  • Symbiosis refers to the relationship between symbiotic units at symbiotic environment according to some co-occurrence patterns .


  • And I provide innovational concept of Symbiosis Cooperation Marketing .

    提出了 共生型合作营销的创新概念。