syntactic class

[sɪnˈtæktɪk klæs][sɪnˈtæktɪk klɑ:s]


  • This dissertation based upon the typological theories on word classes makes a contrastive study of syntactic and semantic features of adjectival class in Chinese and English and identifies the linguistic property of adjectival class in both languages .

    本文主要根据语言类型学的词类理论,研究和对比了汉语和英语形容词的 句法特征,确定了汉英形容词的 词类属性。

  • Conclusions The syntactic comprehension deficits in motor aphasics were tied to an abnormal processing of closed class items .

    结论运动性 失语患者的 句法理解障碍与功能词的异常加工有关。

  • This paper attempts to use the related vocabulary of the theory . Syntactic structure and the syntax and semantics from the two aspects of Ran + X class vocabulary words for a duration of the inspection process .

    本文尝试运用词汇化的相关理论,从 句法结构和句法语义两个方面对然+X 词语的词汇化历程作一个历时的考察。

  • An anonymous class is a kind of syntactic shorthand that lets you instantiate a class implementing an abstract class or interface where you need it without having to explicitly give it a class name .

    匿名类是一种 语法速写标记,使您能够在需要实现某个抽象类或者接口的地方创建一个 的实例,而不需要显式提供类的名称。

  • At last we make a brief description of the differences in syntactic function between the first and second class of quality adjectives .

    最后对一、二 性质形容词的 句法功能差异进行了简要描述。

  • Finally you see one more bit of Groovy syntactic sugar you can use when calling getters on a class .

    最后,在 中调用getter时,您将看到使用Groovy 语法的更多优点。

  • They allow you to concisely define behavior that has wide-ranging impact with very little syntactic hangover in the target class .

    您可以通过它们精确地定义有较广影响而在目标 中有较少 语法残留的行为。