synchronization action


  • This thesis also analyses the factor of causing synchronization error and unsteadiness . Based on the analysis the corrective action is implemented in the system and it improves the performance of the system .

    论文在测试的基础上分析了 同步误差以及不稳定性产生的原因,根据分析的结果对系统 进行了改进,从而提高了系统的稳定性以及 同步精度。

  • There is a time relationship between verb predicate and adverbial of time in any Russian simple sentence which can be categorized into that of direct time and that of comparative time according to synchronization or unsynchronization of action and time .

    俄语简单句中动词谓语与时间状语之间存在着一种时间关系。这种时间关系根据 行为与时间的同步性与非 同步性可划分为直接时间与相对时间。

  • Specifically to do the whole real-time synchronization monitoring record regarding to EMG of all the actions texted through the experiment of combining RT measure and EMG data collecting along with the integrated use of multidisciplinary approach such as reaction time action time and surface EMG .

    通过实验法把反应速度测量与肌电数据采集同步相结合,综合运用反应时、 动作时、反应速度和表面肌电技术测量等多学科研究方法,对测试的技术动作的肌电进行全程实时 同步监测记录。

  • In synchronization system we developed the change event of a database system can be captured real timely based on the data driven rules of Event Condition Action and the consistency among heterogeneous database systems are maintained by the cooperation of some communication agents .

    采用事件-条件 - 动作的数据驱动 机制实现数据库变更事件的实时获取,通过多个通讯代理协同工作完成异构数据库间的数据一致性维护。

  • The locations of nodes are measured by differential GPS receiver or theodolite . And time synchronization among nodes is achieved coarsely via the simple method that the manager node broadcasts the sampling or stop message and the others execute the corresponding action immediately when receiving the message .

    节点位置由差分GPS接收机或经纬仪测量;节点间简单的 时钟 同步是由管理节点广播采样和停止消息,其他节点收到消息就执行相应的采样和停止 动作来完成的。

  • This synchronization control set can improve its imaging quality and its action distance by conveniently adjusting the pulse delay and the pulse width .

    这种 同步控制装置能方便地通过调整脉冲延时和脉宽来提高系统成像质量和 作用距离。

  • The synchronization loss of South Power System in China is analyzed and the result indicates that for some complicated situations the protection equipment should make use of remote communication to coordinate so as to obtain quick and selectable disconnecting action .

    分析了南方电网4个 断面的具体情况,指出对于比较复杂的某些断面有关解列装置应借助远方通信进行协调配合,以实现快速、有选择的解列 控制

  • Finally Status synchronization and Action synchronization concepts to solve interface shared problem are provided .

    同时,就有效解决界面的表现级共享问题而提出的状态 同步 动作同步概念进行了阐述。

  • There is no synchronization in the action before displaying the dialog .

    显示对话框之前没有 同步 操作