synchronous signal

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˈsɪɡnəl][ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˈsiɡnəl]


  • Through the example of video synchronous signal generator the design process of system on chip is particularly described . Moreover the optimization of system and VHDL programming skill is discussed .

    通过视频 同步 信号发生器的设计实例,详细描述了基于VHDL进行系统芯片设计方法的应用过程,并进一步讨论了在实际应用中VHDL程序设计的优化问题和应用技巧。

  • Design and implementation of a synchronous signal receiver unit for IRM / DME measurement system


  • The measuring circuit is to measure the secondary voltages ang currents of transformer and capture the synchronous signal ;

    检测电路用于检测变压器二次侧的电压和电流并获取 同步 信号

  • A new synchronous signal produce method was applied to avoid the unwanted signal caused by voltage flash .

    提出了一种新的 同步 信号发生的方法,解决了因为系统电压突变导致同步信号发生不正常的现象。

  • On hardware it complete the main control module analog input module switch signal input module synchronous signal module frequency measuring module and communication module based on TCP / IP protocol .

    在硬件上设计了主控模块、模拟量输入模块、开关量输入模块、开关量输出模块、 同步 信号输入与测频模块以及基于TCP/IP协议的网络通信模块。

  • Bit synchronous clock recover circuit is the key part of the communication system it can exactly recover the synchronous signal from input data stream .

    位同步时钟信号的提取是通信系统中的关键部分,应用数字锁相环可以准确地从输入码流中提取出位 同步 信号

  • The estimation results show that there is a symbol synchronous signal .

    其结果也表明了symbol 同步 信号的存在。

  • Performance analysis of echo synchronous signal in audio watermarking

    音频水印中回声 同步 信号的性能分析

  • In this paper the cycloconverter-fed control system is studied based on DSP . The zero-crossing detection circuits synchronous signal detection circuits and I / O expansion circuits are designed .

    研究了基于DSP的三相交-交变频控制系统,并设计了相应的零电流检测电路, 同步 信号检测电路和I/O扩展电路。

  • Based upon the fundamental analysis the estimation result of power spectrum of random sequence of PWPM signals is presented by simulating on personal computer the result also shows that there is a symbol synchronous signal .

    在理论分析研究的基础上,给出了利用计算机模拟的PWPM方式下随机信号序列的功率谱图,证实了符号 同步 信号的存在。

  • By means of the sampled data system and the rotary synchronous signal encoder the output of the sensor is sampled .

    此方法是利用旋转 同步 信号编码器和数据采样系统对传感器输出进行采样;

  • This system can be used in the international and general time format code IRIG - B code ( called B code for short ) demodulation and can be used as benchmark of the other systems with time and sampling synchronous signal .

    该系统可用于对国际通用时间格式码IRIG-B码(简称B码)的解调,以及产生各种采样、 同步 频率 信号,也可作为其它系统的时基和采样、 同步 信号的基准。

  • The design doubles the speed of code by improving the circuit of detecting synchronous signal and changing the work mode of microprogram .

    利用 同步 信号检出电路的改进和微程序控制器工作模式变化,使码速率提高一倍。

  • The system was composed of four acoustic sensors with a squared configuration a multi channel synchronous signal collector a high speed DSP and servo control mechanisms .

    定位系统由4个成平面正四边形的声传感器阵列、多通道声 信号 同步采集器和TMS320高速信号处理器、随动控制系统构成。

  • One method is DWT algorithm embedded the synchronous signal which is easy to extract watermark information .

    一种是嵌入 同步 信号的离散小波嵌入算法,该方法便于提取水印信息。

  • The multiplex of synchronous signal and a synchronous signal Implemented by FPGA

    用FPGA实现 异步 信号和同步信号的复接

  • It produces trigger pulse by comparing the ! synchronous signal integral with the phase shift signal and has the ability of resisting synchronous signal high frequency interference and wave distortion .

    同步 信号的积分与移相信号比较产生触发脉冲,抗同步信号的高频干扰和波形畸变的能力强。

  • Realization of Bit Synchronous Signal Recovery Digital Circuits

    同步 信号恢复的数字电路实现

  • To utilize the DSP fully MOSFET is selected as rectifier instead of diode . The Drive methods are introduced in the paper and analyse the method of synchronous signal which is generated by DSP .

    文中分析了两种同步整流管的驱动产生方法,给出了DSP产生 同步驱动 信号的原理及实现。

  • The fault diagnosis system includes four parts : sampling and insulation of the synchronous signal sampling of the voltage waveform of the rectifier logic pre-processing and DFT analysis display and alarm circuit .

    故障诊断系统主要包括 同步 信号的取样与隔离、整流电压的采样、逻辑预处理及DFT分析,诊断显示报警电路等四部分。

  • The principle and design of voltage synchronous signal checking based on phase-locked-loop was developed which ensured synchronous signal follows the frequency of power supply .

    提出了基于锁相环的电压 同步检测 电路的原理与设计,保证了同步信号对电源频率的跟踪;

  • We design the algorithm by introducing the method of synchronous signal into watermarking domain and using synchronous signal to locate the position of embedded watermark .

    同步 信号的思想引入到音频数字水印中,利用同步信号定位水印的嵌入位置,设计了基于量化的小波域自同步数字音频水印算法。

  • Synchronous signal is an effective way to implement the blind-detect in audio watermarking .

    同步 信息是实现水印盲检测的一种有效途径。

  • Synchronized-signal is accurately measured by synchronous signal detection of source voltage and can provide for vector system .

    试验结果表明, 同步 信号检测电路可以为矢量控制系统提供精确的电源同步信号;

  • The circuit of clock synchronizing picks up information of clock synchronization . It provides synchronous signal with fixed phase for the trigger system of BES ⅲ off-line analyzing system and luminosity detection system .

    时钟同步信号提取插件是从束团信号中提取时钟同步信息,为北京谱仪触发系统,离线分析系统,亮度检测系统等提供与束团相位固定的 同步 信号

  • This paper introduces the idea of designing video synchronous signal generator by CPLD demonstrates the techniques of programming with AHDL and discusses some related problems .

    介绍利用CPLD设计视频 同步 信号发生器的思路,讲解了AHDL的编程技巧,并对一些相关问题进行了讨论。

  • In the sense circuit the angular-speed signal is obtained by synchronous demodulation of the angular-speed modulated signal of the gyroscope with the synchronous signal .

    检测部分利用该 同步 信号和陀螺的输出信号进行同步解调,得到角速度信号。

  • The study divided a gait cycle into four key modes by synchronous signals producted from heel-triggering synchronous signal circuits .

    其中,通过设计足跟触发 同步 信号电路实现了人体行走周期中四个关键模态的划分。

  • Double time constant synchronous signal separator

    双时间常数 同步 信号分离器

  • This paper designs a controller with DSP ( TMS320F2812 ) as the main control chip and introduces the IGBT drive circuit thyristor drive circuit voltage synchronous signal circuit man-machine interface . It also describes the system software process and ways to trigger PWM signal generation .

    本文设计了基于DSP(TMS320F2812)主控芯片的控制器,分别介绍了IGBT驱动电路、晶闸管驱动电路、电压 同步 信号电路、人机交互界面;介绍了系统的硬件结构以及PWM触发信号生成方式。