symptom grouping

[ˈsɪmtəm ˈɡrupɪŋ][ˈsimptəm ˈgru:pɪŋ]

[医] 综合征,症侯群

  • Because of this feature the symptom dimension of chronic gastritis is hard to be reduced . To solve this problem this thesis proposed and described a grouping dimension-reduction method which combines hierarchy clustering with principal component analysis ( PCA ) .

    针对慢性胃炎 病例数据的特点,提出并详细描述了层次聚类和主成分分析法相结合的 分组降维方法。

  • Patients were symptom score compared to before receiving treatment P0.05 indicating grouping the two groups were comparable condition .

    两组患者在接受治疗前的 症状评分相比较,P值0.05,说明进行 分组时,两组患者的病情具有可比性。