synchronizing function


  • On software it 's composed of audio-video processing function audio and video synchronizing function audio and video data secrecy function multicast transmission function .

    系统软件包括音视频处理、音视频 同步及数据加密和多播传输等 功能

  • The main functions include automatic start and stop of wind turbine generators and sequential control . soft synchronizing function controlled by bidirectional thyristor . electric protection and accident prevention .

    系统主要功能有:风力发电机组的自动启、停及顺序控制,由双向可控硅控制的软 并网 功能,电气保护与安全保护等。

  • The result of test not only proves that the communicating delay using Interprocess Communication module rebuilt is predictable but also shows the benefit of queuing policy based priority during message queuing and synchronizing function of Semaphore .

    测试表明,改进后进程通信的通信延迟处在一个可预测的范围之内,同时也体现出了在消息排队过程中优先级排队算法的优越性和信号量的 同步 协调 功能