symptomatic disease

[ˌsɪmtəˈmætɪk dɪˈziz][ˌsɪmtəˈmætɪk diˈzi:z]

[医] 症状性病

  • Objective : To observe the treatment effectiveness to symptomatic gastroesophageal refluence disease ( GERD ) with omeprazole .

    目的:了解洛赛克强力抑酸作用对胃食管反流 (GERD)患者临床 症状 改善及胃镜下食管炎症改善情况。

  • Most patients with symptomatic metastatic disease are treated with systemic hormone therapy or chemotherapy .

    大多数 全身转移性 疾病的病人用全身性激素治疗或化疗。

  • The thesis includes two parts : ( 1 ) literature summarization ; ( 2 ) the research on symptomatic characters of diabetic lower - extremity arterial disease ( Diabetic LEAD ) .

    本论文本包括文献综述和糖尿病下肢血管 病变(DiabeticLEAD) 临床 症状两部分。

  • Exercise can result in symptomatic improvement in patients with Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) .

    运动可以减轻 帕金森患者的 症状

  • Under the guidance of psychoanalytic theory and symptomatic analysis thesis tentatively examines various disease image defense mechanism and negative esthetic experience thus examining it according new dimension .

    论文在精神分析理论和 症候 分析的指导下,尝试性地考察《时时刻刻》所呈现的各种 疾病意象、防御机制以及消极审美效果,从而对其进行新维度的考量。

  • Objective To investigate the capacity of cerebrovascular reserve ( CVR ) by 5 % CO2-inhalation CT perfusion challenge test in symptomatic middle cerebral artery stenosis disease .

    目的采用5%CO2吸入CT灌注成像研究 症状 大脑中动脉( MCA)缺血患者MCA分布区脑血管储备能力。

  • VALUE OF DYNAMIC ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC MONITORING IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE & A CONTROLLED STUDY OF DYNAMIC ECG BICYCLE ERGOMETRY TESTING AND CORONARY ARTERIOGRAPHY Analysis of dynamic electrocardiographic monitoring of silent and symptomatic myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary artery disease in the aged

    动态心电图对冠心病的诊断价值&蹬车运动、动态心电图、冠状动脉造影的对比研究动态心电图对 冠心病老年患者无 症状 症状心肌缺血的检测分析

  • The total symptomatic effective rate of coronary heart disease with angina pectoris was 87.5 % .

    临床观察 冠心病心绞痛患者,其总有效率达 87.5%

  • For example 10-40 % of women with untreated chlamydial infection develop symptomatic pelvic inflammatory disease .

    在沙眼衣原体感染未得到治疗的女性中,有10-40%的人发展为 症状 盆腔 炎症

  • Effect of enalapril on left ventricular diameters and exercise capacity in asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic patients with regurgitation secondary to mitral valve prolapse or rheumatic heart disease

    依那普利对无症状或 症状轻微的 二尖瓣脱垂或风 心病继发二尖瓣反流患者的左心室直径和运动耐量的影响

  • Symptomatic palliation was complete in93 % ( 14.15 patients ) and partial in1 patient because of non resectable hepatic disease .

    的病人(14。15名病人) 症状完全缓解,1名病人因患无法切除的肝脏 疾病仅有部分缓解。

  • OBJECTIVE : To probe into symptomatic improvement of cervical spondylosis with sliding cupping and the relationship between curative effect and course of disease as well as age .

    目的:探讨循经走罐法改善颈椎病患者 症状,疗效与 病程及年龄的关系。

  • Patient with symptomatic intracranial atherosclerotic disease has a poor prognosis despite the antithrombotic therapy or the extracranial-intracranial ( EC-IC ) by pass treatment .

    尽管采用抗栓治疗或搭桥手术治疗, 症状 颅内 动脉粥样硬化 患者的预后仍然不佳。

  • Symptomatic infections in horses are also rare and generally mild but can cause neurologic disease including fatal encephalomyelitis .

    马的 症状感染很罕见,且症状通常较轻,但也可能会出现神经 感染 疾病,包括致命的脑脊髓炎。

  • Study of the Cerebrovascular Reserve with Perfusion CT Challenge Test in Symptomatic Middle Cerebral Artery Stenosis Disease

    症状 大脑中动脉缺血 患者脑血管储备能力的CT灌注成像研究

  • Conclussions : Injection Shen Mei may improve symptomatic hypotension after morning exercise and quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease and hypertension .

    结论:生脉注射液能改善 冠心病伴高血压的 晨间运动后低血压及生存质量。

  • Stroke recurrences in patients with symptomatic vs asymptomatic middle cerebral artery disease

    症状 与无症状性大脑中动脉 疾病患者卒中复发的比较

  • Intra-arterial Thrombolysis in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke of the Cervical Internal Carotid Artery Occlusive Disease Clinical Recurrence of Symptomatic Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusive Disease

    动脉溶栓治疗急性颈内动脉闭塞所致缺血性脑梗死 症状 大脑中动脉闭塞性 病变患者卒中复发率分析

  • Conclusion w_2108 Thorax X-ray check should be done to the thoracic trauma cases within 3 weeks in order to find the delayed hemopneumothorax . Therapy methods include symptomatic treatment and surgical treatment according to the condition of disease .

    结论胸部受创伤后3周内应定期行胸部X线检查,警惕迟发性血气胸的发生,确诊后应根据 病情 对症观察治疗或采取胸穿术、胸腔闭式引流术或剖胸术。

  • Objective To study Stroke occurance of transient ischemic attack ( TIA ) patients with symptomatic middle cerebral artery stenosis disease .

    目的探讨 伴有 MCA狭窄的短暂性脑缺血患者卒中事件的发生率及其危险因素。

  • NERD was divided into non-erosive esophagitis and symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease .

    非糜烂性反流病可以分为非糜烂性反流性食管炎和 症状 胃食管反流

  • In clinical treatment insist edon analysis symptomatic primary and secondary combed through the disease and syndrome authenticity distinguished priorities disease differentiation and dialectical combination the overall treatment .

    临床治疗中,应坚持分析 症候主次,详查 证标本,分清轻重缓急,辨病与辨证相结合,整体论治。

  • All of them were highly symptomatic refractory to several antiarrhythmic agents and without evidences of structural heart disease . All ventricular ectopic beat had figure of left bundle branch block with tall R waves in leads ⅱ and AVF .

    多种抗心律药物 治疗无效, 心电图显示室性早搏均呈左束支阻滞图形,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、 AVF导联为高大的R波。

  • All patients with symptomatic hip disease should undergo standard radiographic evaluation ; however MRI remains the most sensitive diagnostic modality .

    所有 症状的髋部 疾病应该进行标准的放射学检查,然而,核磁共振(MRI)检查仍然是最敏感的检测手段。

  • Stroke Occurrence Analysis of Transient Ischemic Attack Patients with Symptomatic Middle Cerebral Artery Stenosis Disease

    短暂性脑缺血患者大脑中动脉 闭塞 病变与卒中危险性分析

  • Rivastigmine a sort of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor is used in the symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer 's Disease ( AD ) . Now it has been launched in Switzerland and the market prospect is very good .

    酒石酸 卡巴拉汀是一种乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂,用于治疗中、轻度老年 痴呆症(即阿尔茨海默氏症:AD),目前已在瑞士上市,市场前景看好。

  • Traditional Chinese medicine is a word without urticaria symptomatic disease name description .

    中医学上有与荨麻疹 症状描述 相近 名。