symbolic reference

[sɪmˈbɑlɪk ˈrɛfərəns][sɪmˈbɔlɪk ˈrefrəns]

[计] 符号访问, 符号引用

  • This thesis analyzes his theory of consumption society and explains his theory of symbolic consumption systematically so that it can be a worthy reference for our understanding and dealing with the practical problem .

    本文系统分析了鲍德里亚的消费社会理论,力图系统地阐释鲍德里亚 符号消费理论的基本内容,试图以此作为我们理解和处理现实问题的有益 参考

  • This article in symbolic form by landscape design principles at the level of study the city symbol design practice has been preliminary discussion its main design approaches : reference exaggerated recombinant retention and recoveries reversed abstraction and so on .

    其次,通过景观在 符号形式层面设计原则的研究,对城市符号的设计手法进行了初步的探讨,认为其主要的设计手法有: 引用、夸张、重组、保留与恢复、反转、抽象等。

  • Under the long term enlightening in the virtual political space Farmers are not only accumulating political messages but also developing their political awareness and political knowledge and take the symbolic political authority as a reference to test the real life political environment .

    农民在长期的虚拟政治空间的教化与熏陶下,也日益积累着自身的政治知识,培养自身的政治认知与政治素养,并以这种 象征 的政治权威为 参照,检验现实生活中的政治环境。

  • When it comes to the realistic benefit our expression is more conform to the framing effect and loss aversion while to symbolic benefit it is more risk reference .

    在涉及到现实利益情境时,我们的表达更符合框架效应,规避风险;而在涉及到 象征 利益时,却有风险 偏好,这和国外研究 结论是不同的。

  • This is a part of a simple summary in the simple language so that it is more convenient for researcher interested in the study of the symbolic color researchers to criticize reference .

    这一部分用简单概括的语言对本文进行总结,目的是为了更加方便于有志于研究颜色 象征 意义的研究者批评、 借鉴、指正。