symbol memory

[ˈsɪmbəl ˈmɛməri][ˈsimbəl ˈmeməri]

[计] 字符存储器

  • The author describes the war marked with a lot of iconic memory elements which become lots of vivid memory symbol that will bring readers into a memory of that special period .

    《白卫军》中的记忆时空定格在乌克兰内战时期,作者在描述这场战争时留下了许多具有标志性的记忆元素,这些元素成为一个个鲜明的记忆 符号将读者带入那段特殊时期的 记忆之中。

  • Through various historical periods the auspicious cloud gradually becomes a visual symbol which can represent Chinese traditional visual memory and aesthetic measure with its unique form and significance of whole evolution process . It has great influence on Chinese modern visual designs idea .

    经过各个历史时期的承传流变,云纹在整个演进过程中以其独特的形式与意义,逐渐沉淀成一种代表中国传统视觉 记忆与审美尺度的视觉 符号,极大地影响了中国现代视觉设计理念。

  • The proposed abstract symbol table-based memory model will make positive influence on the research and application of symbolic execution .

    本文提出了基于抽象 符号表的 内存模型,对符号执行技术的发展和应用有一定的积极意义。

  • Using parallel implementation structure to achieve randomization for energy and a double port RAM to finish the convolution interleaving and symbol interleaver which decreased the designing complexity and memory space . 4 .

    其中加扰部分采用并行实现结构,卷积交织和 符号交织均采用一块双口RAM来完成,降低了设计复杂度并减小了 存储空间。

  • And the main differences between them are : 256 w_2656 RS code can correct two symbol errors and it is usually used to protect the stored data in the memory organization ;

    它们的区别主要在于:256252]RS码是一种能够纠正2个码 符号错误的纠错码,常用于保护存放在 存储设备中的记录数据;

  • This symbol difference strong is easy to distinguish the memory .


  • This symbol vision sense organ meets straight the variation is strong easy to distinguish the memory .

    标志视觉感官直接,差异化强,易识别、 记忆

  • As a presentation of significance and value political symbol has four functions such as providing social memory seeking political approval conforming ideology and carrying out socialization of politics and its goal is to prove and argue the legality of political powers .

    作为意义和价值表述的政治 象征具有提供社会 记忆、寻求政治认同整合意识形态和实施政治社会化四种文化功能,中心目标在于对政治权力的合法性论证和辩护。

  • The md command takes an address / symbol and a line count and displays memory starting at the address for line-count number of lines .

    md命令以一个地址/ 符号和行计数为参数,显示从该地址开始的line-count行的 内存

  • Through imbedding the watermark in the high-density 2D symbol ones it while having large data memory capacity and it satisfying the information safety .

    在高密度图形 中嵌入数字水印,使它在拥有大数据 存储容量的同时,又更好地满足了信息安全要求。

  • Actually red is not only the symbol of those days in Red Memory Series but also represents the way of the artist recalling that time .

    实际上,在《红色 记忆》系列作品中,红色不仅是那个时代特有的 表征,而且也代表了艺术家对那个时代的回忆方式。

  • The abstract symbol table-based memory model can overcome main problems of memory models for symbolic execution very well including the problem of pointer and aliasing type-unsafe memory accesses and data without concrete size .

    基于抽象 符号表的 内存模型能够很好地解决面向符号执行的内存模型面临的主要问题,包括指针和别名问题、类型不安全的内存访问和大小不确定的数据。

  • Banyan a Double Symbol of Native Land Memory and Pastoral Dream & Interpretation of The Banyan of My Native Land by Huang He-lang

    榕树:乡土 记忆和田园梦想的双重 码&对黄河浪《故乡的榕树》的深层解读

  • The mdr command takes an address / symbol and a byte count and displays the raw contents of memory starting at the specified address for byte-count number of bytes .

    mdr命令带有地址/ 符号以及字节计数,显示从指定的地址开始的byte-count字节数的初始 内存内容。

  • The symbol table holds all the variable and function names made up by the programmer along with the addresses where they can be found in memory .

    符号表记录了程序员声明的所有变量和函数名,以及它们在 内存中的地址。

  • New Term : A character is a single letter number or symbol that takes up one byte of memory .

    新术语:一个字符是指单个的一个字母、数字或在 内存中占一个字节的 符号

  • When CPU read Cache data it compared the highest position of physical address with corresponding address label of symbol memory at first to determine whether the data in cache memory should be sent to CPU directly .

    当CPU读取Cache的数据时,先将物理地址的最高位与 标志 存储器中对应地址标签比较。判断是否将数据总线直接传送给CPU。

  • The semantic information is a kind of experiential symbol which is related to psychological notions such as memory association and imagination .

    语意是一种经验 符号 东西,它涉及 记忆、联想、想象等心理学范畴。

  • To building a map symbol editor a framework which several design pattern are associated with is constructed which manage symbols by STL container in memory .

    对于 符号编辑系统,文章提出一套采用多种模式构造的设计系统,这些模式 环环相扣,共同完成搭建设计符号的交互环境。

  • Paifang in as heritage of the ancient community system and later combined with Recognition system it has the traditional culture symbol Memory decoration Recognition and space division functions There are deep historical and cultural connotations .

    牌坊作为古时里坊制度的产物,后来与旌表制度相结合,具有传统文化中的 标识纪念、装饰、旌表和空间分界等功能,蕴藏着深刻的历史文化内涵。

  • The main idea of the abstract symbol table is the generation of an abstract address for every addressable object to handle various data types and memory operations uniformly .

    抽象 符号表的基本思想是,通过为可寻址对象生成抽象地址统一处理各种数据类型和建模 内存操作。

  • In this image era of Post-Modern architectural practitioners engage in symbol and vision collage but they lack the subtle atmosphere of sorrow and memory .

    在后现代图像化时代,建筑的实践者过度的热衷于形象上的 象征与视觉上的 符号拼贴,缺少直觉和恍惚的话语,缺少一些 悲情、伤感的微妙的情绪。

  • The symbol registry table being resident in DSP memory is a specialty of this system . It makes user program can call other programs such as system functions .

    驻留在DSP 内存 符号注册表是本系统的一大特色,它使得用户程序可以调用诸如系统函数的其它程序。

  • The symbol communication of people 's memory and cultural representation of spiritual allegory : review on New Realism

    人民 记忆 符号传播与精神寄寓的文化表达&再论新写实

  • Abstract symbol tables are to abstract the underlying memory of programs and the approach of generation of abstract addresses and the algorithm of symbolic execution using the abstract symbol table-based memory model are presented .

    研究了使用抽象符号表建立 内存模型的方法,给出了抽象地址生成方法以及 符号执行算法。

  • BSS stands for block storage segment ( originally block started by symbol ) and the memory reserved in the BSS section is initialized to zero during the start of the program .

    BSS代表“blockstoragesegment”(原来是以一个 符号开头的块),BSS部分中保留的 内存在程序启动时初始化为零。