


  • Increasingly a symbiotic relationship is emerging between open source and open standards .

    开源与开放标准之间日渐形成一种 共生关系。

  • This gives fluorescent corals an edge in protecting the symbiotic algae they host .

    这让荧光珊瑚能够保护好他们的 共生藻。

  • A newly-fashioned symbiotic relationship between the two adversaries was born .

    这对敌手之间,一种新型的 共生关系诞生了。

  • The symbiotic relationship between plants and microsymbionts such as biological nitrogen fixation and mycorrhizae ;

    植物与微生物之间的 共生关系,例如生物固氮作用与林木菌根;

  • At the heart of the symbiotic relationship between Lua and its host language is a virtual stack .

    Lua与宿主语言之间的这种 共生关系的核心是宿主语言是一个虚拟堆栈。

  • Racing has always had a symbiotic relationship with betting .

    赛马总是与赌博 挂钩。

  • The Dragon mart is evidence of the symbiotic relationship between state and entrepreneurial capitalism .

    龙城证实了企业资本主义和国家之间的的 共栖关系。

  • Symbiotic Matrix and feature extraction in the application for two or gray value image feature extraction .


  • There 's a complex symbiotic relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the country 's oligarchs .

    俄罗斯总统普京(VladimirPutin)与该国政治寡头之间存在复杂的 共生关系。

  • Symbiosis refers to the relationship between symbiotic units at symbiotic environment according to some co-occurrence patterns .

    共生是指 共生单元之间在一定的共生环境中按某种共生模式形成的关系。

  • This paper attempts to discuss symbiotic development of involuntary resettlement from human centered viewpoint .

    本文立足于探讨“以人为中心”的非自愿移民群体的 共生性发展问题。

  • Interactions between symbiotic or pathogenic microbes and the hosts they colonize are central to both health and disease .


  • Figure out a way to create a symbiotic relationship with someone who has the opposite problem from you .

    找到一个途径和某个具有相反问题的人建立起一段 象征的关系。

  • Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria invade the root hairs of host plants where they multiply and stimulate the formation of root nodules enlargements of plant cells and bacteria in close association .


  • Plant that affords shelter or food to ants that live in symbiotic relations with it .

    与蚂蚁 共生并为其提供掩蔽和食物的植物。

  • Through photosynthesis the algal cells provide simple sugars and vitamins for Both partners in this symbiotic association .

    藻类细胞透过光合作用提供简单的糖类和维生素给这两个 共生结构体。

  • A symbiotic relationship especially among arthropods and some fishes in which one organism transports another organism of a different species .

    一种 共生关系,尤在节肢动物和一些鱼中,寄居在不同种类的另一生物中的有机传送。

  • This relation can and should be symbiotic .

    这种关系可以并且应当是 的。

  • These relatives of corals have similar tissues and are also home to symbiotic photosynthetic algae .

    海葵是珊瑚虫的近亲,有着类似的组织,其中也有 共生的光合藻类生存。

  • Folk beliefs and daily life are respectively the exterior-interior relationship of mutually melt symbiotic relationship .

    民间俗信与日常生活是互为表里的互融 共生关系。

  • Lichen is a simple plant which comes from symbiotic growth of algae and epiphyte .

    青苔是一种浅根植物,是藻类和真菌 共生形成的一种低等植物。

  • The provider can expect increased decentralization of all functions and increased symbiotic relationships with customers .

    而供应商的所有功能将越来越分散化,他们与消费者之间的 共生关系也会越来越紧密。

  • Both hard and soft corals have a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae algae which live in coral and give it its color .

    硬和软珊瑚两者有 共生关系和虫黄藻藻类,那些生活在珊瑚和给它的颜色。

  • It is a symbiotic relationship that has worked well for millions of years .

    这个 互利 共生的关系已经持续了千百万年。

  • In some of the parenchyma cells in cortex of root there are clusters of symbiotic fungal hyphae .

    根皮层薄壁细胞中有的具 共生的真菌菌丝。

  • A symbiotic relationship between algae and fungi .

    海藻与真菌的 共生关系。

  • Research on the Cooperation Mechanism of Institutions and Enterprises & A Symbiotic Theory and Analytical Framework

    研究机构和企业共生机理研究&基于 共生理论与框架

  • The study was conducted to investigate and collect the rhizobia in Pamirs Plateau of China : the Symbiotic Resources with leguminous plants and analyze the characteristics of their nodules and their resistances to adversities .

    摘要对帕米尔高原进行了根瘤菌-豆科植物 共生资源的调查与收集,分析了根瘤的特徵和根瘤菌的抗逆性。

  • You follow through and you make it a two-way symbiotic relationship .

    你跟随你使它通过双向, 共生的关系。

  • In my mind Hotel should be with each other and the environment and optical integration by mutual symbiotic .

    在我的头脑里酒店应该是和环境、光互相融合,互相 共生的。