


  • Intracellular recordings and multi-parameter analysis of long-term potentiation of synaptic responses in chick brain slices

    小鸡脑片 突触反应长时程增强的细胞内记录和多参数分析

  • Correlates the properties of ion channels and synaptic transmission with their physiological function such as learning and memory .

    并将探讨离子通道的属性与 神经 突触传于联系学习和记忆等相关生理功能方面之功能。

  • The Reparation and Mechanism of EGCG on the Lead-induced Impairments of Oxidative Stress and Synaptic Plasticity in Rat Hippocampus

    EGCG对铅致大鼠海马神经元 突触可塑性和氧化损伤的修复作用及机制

  • Objective To investigate the relationship between synaptic structure plasticity and memory retention .

    目的探讨 突触结构的可塑性变化与记忆保持的关系。

  • Repairing and Protective Effects of Ganglioside on Lead Induced Impairment on Synaptic Plasticity of Hippocampus in Rats

    神经节苷脂对铅引起的大鼠海马 突触可塑性损伤的修复和保护作用

  • The simulating results indicated that the synaptic delay happened evidently when neural signals were passed through the chemical synapse .

    研究结果表明,神经信号通过化学突触进行传递时,存明显的 突触延搁现象;

  • There is evidence for process outgrowth from the engrafted neurons and for synaptic connections with host motor neurons .

    这是移植神经元生长的一个证据,同宿主的运动神经元细胞通过 突触连接。

  • Some of the key differences they note center around brain development and synaptic connectivity .

    他们注意到一些关键的不同点都围绕着大脑发育和 突触连接。

  • The Synaptic changes of neuron were observed in sensorimotor area of cortex and hippocampal CA3 area .

    观察其大脑皮质感觉运动区及海马CA3区神经元的 突触变化。

  • Aim : To investigate the effects of intermittent hypoxia on the hippocampal synaptic plasticity in rat .

    目的:研究间歇性低氧对大鼠海马 神经元 突触可塑性的影响。

  • It destroyed your synaptic pathway .

    毁掉了你的 突触通路。

  • This gene encodes a growth factor that promotes new synaptic connections between neurons so that a memory is retained .

    这个基因编码的生长因子能够促进神经元之间新的 突触连接,使记忆延续。

  • Strengthening synaptic connections through repetition for instance builds the capacity to recall and retain information .

    比如,通过重复可以加强 突触联系,从而建立起回忆、保留信息的能力。

  • Neurotransmitter receptors mediate signal transduction at the postsynaptic membrane of synaptic connections between neurons in the nervous system .

    大脑中神经元 突触间的信号传递是由许多神经递质受体介导的。

  • The visual patch-clamp method can accurately assess synaptic transmission by measuring postsynaptic currents of the dorsal horn neurons .

    可视膜片钳方法可以准确测量脊髓背角神经元的突触后电流从而研究初级传入 突触的传递过程。

  • Moreover we found that presynaptic but not postsynaptic inactivation of presenilins alters short-term plasticity and synaptic facilitation .

    并且我们还发现突触前而非突触后早衰蛋白失活将改变短时 突触可塑性及易化。

  • PubMed abstract : Activity-driven modifications in synaptic connections between neurons in the neocortex may occur during development and learning .

    《公共医学图书馆摘要》:在大脑新皮质的活性控制 突触联接改变,可在发展与学习中产生。

  • The numbers of synaptic vesicles and mitochondria sections were also increased simultaneously with the rise of pain threshold .

    与此同时, 泡的数量及线粒体断面随着痛阈的升高亦增加。

  • The Mechanism of PKA Signaling Pathway in Synaptic Plasticity after Cerebral Ischemia and Intervention Studies of Acupuncture

    PKA信号通路在脑缺血后 突触可塑性中的作用及针刺干预研究

  • Postsynaptic dense area and the close relationship between synaptic plasticity are essential for the maintenance of synaptic function properly .

    突触后致密区与 突触可塑性的关系十分密切,对于维持突触发挥正常功能至关重要。

  • The membrane proteins of synaptic vesicle and their role in the neurotransmitter release have been extensively studied .


  • Effect of chrysophanol on synaptic transmission in the dentate gyrus of hippocampus in rats

    大黄酚对大鼠海马齿状回 突触传递 增强的影响

  • Synaptic vesicles fuse with the presynaptic membrane upon the arrival of an action potential at the presynaptic axon terminal .

    突触前轴突终末端动作电位到达时, 突触小泡和突触前膜紧密相连。

  • An increase in synaptic NMDA receptors may control the ease with which such modifications take place .


  • Click'Apply'and Synaptic will download & install all the packages previously installed .

    点击“应用”,新立 得便会下载并安装所有之前安装的软件包了。

  • The results were the same when they measured other enzymes that are typically active during synaptic potentiation .

    他们还检测了一些在 突触活动中表现出典型活性的酶,其结果也相仿。

  • So understanding how proteins function to control synaptic strength is really important .

    因此理解蛋白质是 怎样控制 联合强度就非常重要了。

  • The scientists point out that alcohol isn 't causing blackouts by killing neurons . Instead the steroids interfere with synaptic plasticity to impair LTP and memory formation .

    研究人员指出,酒精并不是通过杀死神经元细胞导致失忆发生的。实际上,是这些产生的甾体物质影响了 突触可塑性,造成了LTP和记忆形成方面的损害。

  • Discusses the organizational principles for the formation of functional neural networks at synaptic and cellular levels .

    并将于就 神经 突触与细胞机制讨论系统性原理以创造具功能性之神经元网络。