surplus personnel

[ˈsɚpləs ˌpɚsəˈnɛl][ˈsə:pləs ˌpə:səˈnel]

[法] 编余人员

  • For recent years result from surplus staff and the conflict between reposition of redundant personnel and post transformation training the development of coal industry in China is challenged with many difficulties .

    近年来,我国煤炭企业的发展遇到了很多困难,一个重要原因是企业 富余 人员 ,职工下岗分流和再就业的矛盾突出。

  • Is the problem of contemporary students ' employment caused by surplus of qualified personnel or other factors ?

    当前毕业生存在的就业问题,究竟是 人才 过剩,还是有其它制约因素?

  • Auxiliary business separating from Principal business and reform the auxiliary business is the certain way to realize the strategic adjustment for geographical distribution of the state-owed capital enliven the auxiliary business and reallocate surplus personnel .

    主辅分离、辅业改制是实现国有经济布局的战略性调整、放开搞活辅业、分流安置 富余 人员的开创性举措。

  • In our country there is a surplus of labor force but there is a dire need for high quality technical personnel and economic administrators who are fit for industry structure and new technology revolution and economic globalization .

    我国一般劳动力严重 过剩,但符合产业结构、适应新技术革命和经济全球化要求的高素质技术 人才和经营管理人才严重不足。