


v.打鞭挞( swinge的现在分词 )

  • Risk Assessment of Swingeing Storm Surge Disaster in Coastal Area of China Induced by Typhoon Based on Information Diffusion Method

    基于信息扩散理论的中国沿海 特大台风暴潮灾害风险分析

  • There have been swingeing cuts on government subsidies on housing food and fuel .

    政府已经 幅度削减了其在住房、食品和燃料方面的补贴。

  • Let others make their swingeing cuts first in the hope that they will deflect attention from you .

    先让其他人进行 大规模 裁员,希望这能让他们把注意力从你身上转移。

  • Volkswagen for instance never lost its market-leading position but it did plunge into losses in 2006 forcing a swingeing cost-cutting plan .

    例如,大众汽车此前从未丧失在中国市场的领头羊地位,但该公司2006年陷入了亏损,迫使 提出彻底的成本 削减计划。

  • Its report forecasts that banks will be unwilling to operate at reduced profitability levels and will respond with massive restructuring including further headcount reductions in some areas and swingeing cuts in compensation across the board .

    报告预测,投行将不愿在盈利水平降低的情况下经营,将通过大规模重组来应对这一情况,包括在一些领域进一步 裁员以及 全面 大幅减少薪酬。

  • Alignment with a similar petroleum tax solely on prospective projects might give the government a better argument for implementing the swingeing 40 per cent tax .

    如果仿效类似的石油税,仅对未来项目征税,可能会让政府 施行40%的 高额税率 获得更充分的理由。

  • There are swingeing sanctions and penalties for failing to pay your taxes .

    你若不交税将 严厉的制裁和处罚。

  • At least twice during his 12 years in London he was asked by Tokyo headquarters to make swingeing cost cuts .

    在伦敦的12年期间,东京总部至少有两次要求他 大幅 削减成本。

  • In this case gridlock means dramatic action : a swingeing tax increase with the economy still on its knees .

    这一次,僵局意味着采取激进的行动:在经济形势仍然 危急 大规模增税。

  • Group earnings were boosted by swingeing cost cuts and staff reductions both running ahead of schedule .

    集团利润得到了大幅 削减成本和裁员的推动,这两项工作的进度都较计划有所提前。

  • Politicians now compete to propose swingeing regulations that would have been unthinkable just two years ago .

    政治家如今争相提出在短短两年前还是不可思议的 强有力监管措施。

  • These are swingeing cuts .

    这些削减 可谓 严厉

  • Even with the swingeing new measures the government will miss its targets for deficit reduction .

    但即使 实施这些 严厉的新措施,希腊政府也无法完成其赤字削减目标。

  • Avoid investment vehicles that inflict swingeing charges in exchange for what in most cases will amount to market performance or worse .

    避开产生 巨额收费、以换取回报的投资工具,因为多数情况下, 这些 回报也只能达到市场 大盘的水平甚至更糟。

  • All this potential activity may make banks think twice before making swingeing across-the-board headcount reductions .

    所有此类潜在活动都可能让银行 思量 再三,然后再进行大规模的全面裁员。