sustained sound

[səˈstend saʊnd][səˈsteɪnd saund]


  • That how to elevate the efficiency maximize the exertion avoid the waste realize the sustained and sound development is the main research question faced to us .

    如何有效地提高信息化教育装备的使用率,发挥教育装备的最大效益,减少教育类资源的浪费,实现教育装备 持续 健康的发展是摆在我们面前的一项重大的研究课题。

  • There are conditions in place for the Chinese economy to achieve sustained sound growth .

    中国经济 持续 向好是有条件的。

  • Strategic adjustment of the economic structure is the key to the sustained rapid and sound development of the national economy .

    经济结构的战略性调整,是实现国民经济 持续快速 健康发展的关键。

  • Therefore the comparative advantage is to be turned into competitive advantages in the machinery product exports in order to get a sustained and sound growth in China .

    为了实现我国机电产品出口 持续 健康增长,必须推动我国机电产品出口的比较优势向竞争优势转化。

  • We must strive to remove major structural barriers to sustained and sound economic development with a focus on improving the demand mix and the industrial structure promoting balanced development between regions and advancing urbanization .

    必须以改善需求结构、优化产业结构、促进区域协调发展、推进城镇化为重点,着力解决制约经济 持续 健康发展的重大结构性问题。

  • Therefore it is great realistic importance to deeply research the fiscal policies of agriculture development in order to break away the plight promote the sustained and sound development of the agriculture then the whole western economy .

    因此,深入研究农业发展中的政府财政政策,对于摆脱目前农业发展的困境,促进农业乃至整个西部国民经济的 持续健康发展和构建和谐社会都具有重大的现实意义。

  • Sustained rapid and sound economic development

    持续,快速和 健康的经济发展

  • We will not resort to short-term massive stimulus policies just because of temporary economic fluctuations and we will pay more attention to sound development in the medium to long run and strive for sustained and sound economic development .

    我们不会为经济一时波动而采取短期的强刺激政策,而是更加注重中长期的健康发展,努力实现中国经济 持续 健康发展。

  • A Chinese economy that is on track of sustained and sound growth will inject fresh impetus to global economic recovery and make greater contribution to the common development and prosperity of the Asia Pacific .

    中国经济 持续 健康发展,将为全球经济复苏注入新的动力,为亚太地区共同发展繁荣作出更大贡献。

  • It is incumbent upon all countries to properly address the nuclear security challenge ensure sustained and sound development of nuclear energy and uphold international security and stability .

    妥善应对核安全挑战,保障核能 持续 健康发展,维护国际安全稳定,成为各国共同面临的重要课题。

  • Physical activity is beneficial to both students ' physically and mentally sustained . and sound development as well as an important component of quality education .

    体育运动是一项有益于学生 身心 健康的活动,是学校素质教育的重要组成部分。

  • It is the base of the management in institutions as well as the guarantee of the sustained sound development of an institution .

    它是单位各项管理工作的基础,是单位 持续 健康发展的保证。

  • Only by promoting sustained and sound economic development can we lay a solid material foundation for enhancing the country 's prosperity and strength improving the people 's wellbeing and ensuring social harmony and stability .

    只有推动经济 持续 健康发展,才能筑牢国家繁荣富强、人民幸福安康、社会和谐稳定的物质基础。

  • Under current circumstances if the Chinese economy is to achieve sustained and sound growth over the long run it has to transform . Looking at the immediate and long-term needs the Chinese economy has entered a crucial stage of transformation and upgrading .

    我国经济发展到今天,要实现长期增长、 持续 健康发展,必须转型升级,无论是从当前还是从长远看,都到了转型升级的关键阶段。

  • Reform and opening-up have not only promoted the sustained swift and sound development of china 's national economy but also helped restructure its economic system .

    改革开放不仅促进了中国国民经济的 持续快速 健康发展,而且推动了中国经济体制的改革;

  • Aims of the study : The education and the economy sustained development need sound staff and developing Xinjiang education also need teacher with physical fitness physical quality .

    研究目的:中学教育及经济的 可持续发展需要 可靠的人力资源,发展自治区教育事业也需要教师具有良好的身体素质。

  • Implementing a Scientific Outlook on Development & Promoting the Sustained and Sound Development of Urban and Rural Construction

    全面落实科学发展观实现城乡建设 持续 健康发展

  • Therefore the government trade associations and enterprises should jointly adopt countermeasures to implement intellectual property rights strategies and to improve the creation management implementation and protection of IPRs for the sustained and sound development of our economy .

    为此,政府、行业协会及企业都应采取积极的对策,大力实施国家知识产权战略,努力提高知识产权的创造、管理、实施和保护能力,为经济社会的 可持续发展提供重要的 保障

  • To economize resources and build a resource-economical society is an effective way to push forward the steady sustained and sound development of national economy .

    推进资源节约工作,加快建设资源节约型社会,是缓解资源瓶颈制约, 实现国民经济 持续快速协调 健康发展的有效途径;

  • We have the conditions to realize sustained and sound economic development which will expand market and development space for other countries and generate more positive spillover effect for the global economy .

    我们有条件实现经济 持续 健康发展,为各国创造更广阔市场和发展空间,为世界经济带来更多正面外溢效应。

  • The Chinese government has full confidence in achieving a sustained and sound economic development .

    中国对实现经济 持续 健康发展充满信心。

  • We should adopt a long-term perspective seek common ground while resolving differences and work together to achieve sustained sound and steady development of our relations .

    我们应该 登高望远、求同存异,共同推动中美关系 长期 健康稳定发展。

  • We have not only the ability to meet our economic and social development goals for this year but also the conditions to achieve sustained and sound economic growth . This will create even more opportunities for the development of Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries .

    我们不仅有能力完成今年经济社会发展预期目标,而且有条件实现今后经济 持续 健康发展,这将为泰国等东南亚国家提供更多的发展机遇。

  • So the effective propaganda and training are long-term and fundamental tasks to precede the sustained sound and further development of ADR monitoring .

    积极有效的宣传培训是促进药品不良反应监测 持续健康、深入发展的基础性、长期性工作。

  • - The economy should maintain sustained and sound development .

    经济 持续 健康发展。

  • We will firmly deepen reform modernizing our governance system and governance capabilities and promoting sustained and sound economic and social progress .

    我们将坚定不移深化改革,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,推动经济社会 持续 健康发展。