surplus labour

[ˈsɚpləs ˈlebɚ][ˈsə:pləs ˈleibə]

[经] 剩余劳动力

  • Chapter three analyzes the impact of rural surplus labour constraints the main problem .

    第三章分析了影响农村 剩余 劳动力 转移的制约因素、主要存在的问题。

  • A transition of surplus labour from agriculture to industry and services would increase efficiency and bring its economy more in line with the developed world .

    剩余 劳动力从农业转移到工业和服务业将提高 劳动率,并且将使其经济与发达国家更为一致。

  • The surplus labour in the countryside surges into big cities and becomes a special group .

    农村 剩余 劳动力大规模流入城市,成为城市中的特殊群体。

  • And because chaebol pay scales often rise according to years in service they squeeze wage bills by firing older workers with the service sector working as a recycling system for surplus labour .

    因为企业巨头的工资标准通常根据服务的年数而增长,他们通过解雇老员工来减少工资支出,服务部门则像 剩余 劳动力的回收系统一样运转。

  • Employment of the rural surplus labour in western China has become a conspicuous problem in China 's rural areas .

    西部农业 剩余 劳动力的就业成为目前西部农村的突出问题。

  • China 's surplus labour will eventually dry up but it still seems some years away .

    中国的 剩余 劳动力最终会用完,但看来还需要好多年。

  • The development of agro-mechanization ensures the transfer of surplus labour force .

    农业机械化的发展为 劳动力向非农产业转移提供了保证。

  • Necessary labour and surplus labour

    必要劳动与 剩余 劳动

  • The rise of agricultural productivity provided a prerequisite for the transfer of surplus labour from rural areas .

    农业生产率的提高为农村 剩余 劳动力向城市转移提供了前提条件。

  • The rural surplus labour force has transferred the form of employment in china which reflects the labour force factor s disposal form and efficiency also affects urbanization in each area .

    摘要我国农村 剩余 劳动力转移就业形式,反映了我国的劳动力要素配置方式和效率,也影响各地区的城市化进程。

  • It is hard to calculate the limits to investment growth in an economy awash with surplus labour and cheap capital .

    如果一个经济体 剩余 劳动力和廉价资本泛滥,就很难计算出其投资增长的极限。

  • Study on the Strategic Shift of Rural Surplus Labour Force in China

    当前我国农业 剩余 劳动力的战略转移

  • After taking account of this Mr Cai estimates that China 's surplus labour has been virtually exhausted .

    考虑到这些,蔡先生估计说,中国的 剩余 劳动力实际上已用完了。

  • Until recently most estimates of surplus labour varied between150m and200m people .

    直到最近,多数人仍估计 富余 劳动力数目在1.5至2亿之间。

  • And they have reacted to onerous labour regulations by developing capital-intensive businesses that would not normally exist in a country with low-cost surplus labour .

    它们通过发展资本密集型业务,来应对劳动力方面繁重的规章,而上述业务通常在低成本、 劳动力 过剩的国家不会存在。

  • China 's surplus labour is only relative to the traditional grain growing industry and primitive way of rural production .

    我国 农村 劳动力 剩余主要是相对于传统的粮食种植业和原始的农业生产方式而言的。

  • Under the surplus labour force conditions these individuals have limited bargaining power .

    由于 劳动力 过剩,雇员的议价能力有限。

  • This paper is divided into six chapters : the first chapter describes the research of basic rural surplus labour .

    本论文共分六章:第一章介绍了国内外研究农村 剩余 劳动力的基本理论。

  • In the past with its abundance of surplus labour and relative technological backwardness China had a greater advantage in labour-intensive sectors .

    过去, 中国 劳动力充裕、技术相对落后,在劳动密集型领域拥有更大优势。

  • Chapter 4 describes the Weifang city rural surplus labour and employment situation of the basic and fundamental characteristics .

    第四章介绍了潍坊市农村 剩余 劳动力转移与就业的基本情况和基本特点。

  • This acceleration of wages has prompted some to conclude that China 's surplus labour in the countryside has been used up .

    工资水平的提高使得一些人得出结论说,中国农村 剩余 劳动力已用完了。

  • China will absorb the remaining surplus labour in the next 2-3 years .

    中国将在未来2年至3年吸收剩下的 多余 劳动力

  • The death toll is not quite as large these days but the ruthless use of surplus labour is not too different .

    现在工人的伤亡不像古时候那么大了,但对 过剩 劳动力的无情使用并无二致。

  • The development of rural economy and national economy will affect the transfer of rural surplus labour .

    农村经济及我国整体经济的发展必然影响农村 劳动力转移。

  • With the advancement of agricultural production technology and the construction of new socialist countryside a large number of rural surplus labour produced which have become an important force to promote urban development .

    随着农业生产科技化进程的不断迈进和社会主义新农村建设的日益推进,农村产生了大量 剩余 劳动力,这部分 劳动力成为了推动城市建设的重要力量。

  • The output of farm products has substantially increased and a great amount of surplus labour in the countryside has moved to new rising small and medium-sized enterprises or to new rising cities and towns .

    农产品大幅度增加,大量 农业 劳动力转到新兴的城镇和新兴的中小企业。

  • This paper analyses the labour force resources in the countryside as well as the employment situation points out its problems and puts forward some countermeasures to solve the problem of the employment of surplus labour forces in the countryside of Hebei Province .

    本文分析了河北省农村劳动力资源及就业状况,指出了河北农村 富余 劳动力就业中存在的问题,提出了解决河北 农村富余 劳动力就业的对策建议。

  • The transfer of rural surplus labour should coordinate with the rural economy .

    组织农村 剩余 劳动力转移应与促进农村经济发展、壮大农业经济同步进行。

  • Chapter II on rural surplus labour surplus labor and other general concept has been defined the analysis of the composition of rural surplus labour .

    第二章对农村 剩余 劳动力、剩余劳动力转移等一般性概念进行了界定,分析了农村剩余劳动力的构成。

  • An Analysis of the Factors which Hinder the Shift of Rural Surplus labour Force

    农村 剩余 劳动力转移障碍因素分析&对当前 扩大内需的另一种思考