table oil

[ˈtebəl ɔɪl][ˈteibl ɔil]

[化] 高级食用油,精炼食用油

  • A classification table of oil shale ash composition is given out .

    提出了 页岩灰分成分的分类

  • The table full of food : roasted peppers in garlic and oil cold cuts contadina salad Italian bread and onion rolls .

    桌子 摆满了好吃的:烤 葱油辣椒,凉切牛肉,康塔迪娜色拉,意大利面包和洋葱卷。

  • However analysis based on the Input-Output table 2000 shows that WPI and CPI will increase by 12.1 % and 4.4 % respectively a fact that China 's anti-high crude oil price ability ( AHCOPA ) is weakening .

    继而对2000年的投入产出 进行计算,结果显示,该两项指标已分别上升至12.1%和4.4%。这说明中国抗高 油价的能力在减弱。

  • It can be used specially to wash table cloth dinner cloth and work uniform with heavy oil stains .

    具有乳化分散能力,并能快速清除顽固污渍和油渍,适用于 台布、餐巾以及工服等 重油垢织物的洗涤。

  • Based on the orthogonal experiment table for the three time parameter Settings we take some experiments measure the auto power steering gear internal residual oil amount and then compare and analysis the results .

    本文根据正交实验 得到的实验方案,对三个时间参数进行设定,然后测量汽车动力转向器内部残 量进行分析比较,得到最优解。

  • This article studies the effects of the different flavorings such as table salt oil acid or alkali and different temperature on the stability of capsaicinoids .

    研究了不同调味料和不同温度处理对 辣椒碱稳定性的影响。

  • Develop Three-dimensional Electronic Sand Table of Oil Depot Research on the Controllable System by Computer for the Lights of Sand

    油库三维电子 沙盘的设计与实现微机控制下的沙盘灯光系统的研制

  • Shaking table tests on a three story one bay steel frame model with metallic yield dampers and their parallel connections with oil dampers are carried out to study the dynamic characteristics and aseismic performance of the energy dissipation system .

    在一座三层单跨的钢结构模型中安装了金属耗能器及其和 阻尼器并联组合,对这两种耗能体系进行了振动 试验,以研究耗能体系的动力特性,检验其减振效果。

  • Based on the results of the table we can have a conclusion that administration of perilla oil can decrease the biological age of human brain and slow brain aging .

    根据以上 中结果可知.服用紫苏 可以明显降低人大脑的生物年龄,延缓大脑衰老。

  • She had stopped crying now and the more she spoke the more excited she became . She groped on the table for a match and lit an oil lamp .

    老太婆愈说愈忿激,不哭了,摸到那板 擦一根火柴,点着了煤 油灯

  • Volume was calculated with storage manage software by gauged volume table of oil tank .

    库存管理软件据油罐标定后的 油罐容积 计算出产品体积。

  • Analysis of stiffness and intensity of mainframe table for four columnar type oil hydraulic press

    Y32&300型四柱式万能 油压机主机 工作 的刚度与强度分析

  • Shaking Table Test and Numerical Analysis of Combined Energy Dissipation System with Lead Rubber Dampers and Oil Dampers

    铅芯橡胶耗能器与 阻尼器组合耗能系统的振动 试验与分析

  • Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies : thou anoitest my head with oil ; my cup runneth over .

    在敌人面前,你为我摆设 筵席:你用 油膏我的头,我的福杯满溢。

  • The three axis table provides the movement platform for the missile guidance device is the missile half in kind simulation essential equipment I use the hydraulic pressure oil source system of the three axis table to take the spatial oil motor test equipment .

    三轴转台为导弹导引装置提供运动平台,是导弹半实物仿真的关键设备,我所采用三轴 转台的液压油源系统作为中空 液压马达的试验装置。

  • The volume table for oil storage tank will lose efficacy after a period of usage due to factors like foundation deformation .

    由于地基变形等原因,地下 储油罐使用一段时间后罐体的变位会导致原标定的罐容 失效。

  • Some Mistaken Concepts In Application Of Volumeteric Table For Oil Measurement

    油品计量中容积 使用的误区

  • Through the calculations on import and export crude oil and liquid petroleum products by using different calibration tables the reasons of calculation tolerance are analyzed and the importance of the correct usage of calibration table in crude oil and liquid petroleum products measurement is stated .

    通过采用不同石油计量表对进出口 原油及成品油进行计量计算,分析了产生误差的原因,阐述了正确采用和使用石油计量 的重要性。

  • And satest upon a stately bed and a table prepared before it whereupon thou hast set mine incense and mine oil .

    坐在华美的床上,前面摆设 桌案,将我的香料膏 摆在其

  • The height of rail tanker model of strapping table of tanker and special tanker will influence the accuracy of metering results in the oil metering of rail tanker .

    在铁路罐车 原油计量中,罐车高度、罐车容积 号及特殊罐车等都会对计量结果产生影响。