

  • Taking Well T-1 as an example the paper introduced the technology of pressure monitoring while drilling HTHP formation of piedmont structural zone .

    该文以 T-1井为例,介绍了钻探山前构造带高温高压地层的随钻压力监测技术。

  • Preparation and Characterization of Ni-W Alloy and Ni-W / T-1 Composite Coatings

    Ni-W合金镀层及 Ni-W/T-1复合镀层的制备、表征及性能研究

  • The cathodic and anodic current efficiencies are 97.53 % and 98.62 % respectively . The energy consumption of manganese and manganese dioxide are 3591kWh · t-1 and 2245kWh · t-1 .

    阴、阳极电流效率分别达到97.53%及98.62%,金属锰与二氧化锰的能耗分别为3591kWh· t-1及2245kWh·t-1。

  • Results : the active component t_1of Pugongying had the effect of anti-hepatitis virus c ; promoting capillary circulation accelerating bile secretion and pituitary secretion ; inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and diuresis .

    结果:实验确认蒲公英活性成分 t-1有抗丙型肝炎病毒,促进毛细血管循环,促进胆汁分泌,促进脑垂体分泌,抑制癌细胞生长及增加利尿的作用。

  • Species of fungi including 2 species of Trichoderma T-1 T-2 and 2 species of Penicillium P-1 P-2 were selected from nature environment via carboxymethyl cellulose agar plate and filter paper medium .

    通过羧甲基纤维素琼脂平板、滤纸 培养基从自然环境中筛选到 4高效纤维素降解菌,其中木霉2株,青霉2株, 分别 T-1、T-2和P-1、P-2。

  • Profile analysis shows that asset income rate is an optimal method . The distinguishing rate of logistic regression model of t-1 years ' sample can reach 81 . 6 % .

    剖面分析表明资产收益率 判定效果最佳,Logistic回归模型对样本 t-1年的判别率达到81.6%。

  • The router can be connected to the Internet via a high-speed ( T-1 or faster ) WAN interface .

    而此路由器可以通过高速( T-1或者更快)的广域网接口接到因特网上。

  • Blood sugar level in both groups at T-1 and T-2 was significantly higher than that at T-0 ( P < 0.05 ) . There showed no significant differences in the serum electrolyte level ( P > 0.05 ) .

    与术前相比,两组患者的血糖水平在 T1、T2增高(P<0.05),各时点血清K+、Na+、Cl-含量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

  • Using T-1 and P-3 as a flocculent to treat wastewater containing heavy oil the flocculation effect of T-1 and P-3 and the factors affecting flocculation effect were discussed . Through experiment the best operational condition was achieved .

    选择 T-1、P-3处理稠油污水,研究了T-1、P-3的絮凝效果及影响絮凝效果的因素,并通过实验确定了最佳实验条件。

  • Further on the corporate governance changes in the sub-index is greater than 0 and less than 0 were respectively in t-1 period and the period t regression the test results show that with the improvement of corporate governance also to improve accounting conservatism .

    进一步对公司治理综合指数的变化分大于0和小于0两组,分别在 t-1期和t期回归,检验结果都表明随着公司治理结构的改善,会计稳健性也随之提高。

  • The results obtained from irradiation test show that the corrosion resistance creep resistance and irradiation growth for M4 and M5 are superior to the optimized Zircaloy 4 especially the performances of M5 in and out of pile are much better .

    其中M4和 M5合金包 在燃料棒燃 达到55GW·d· t-1的辐照考验结果表明,它们在堆内的腐蚀、蠕变和辐照伸长等性能优于改进型Zr4合金包壳。

  • The average productivity of Xinhe coal was 1950 m ~ 3 · t ~ - 1 and the gasification rate of the coal seam was 74.6 % .

    新河烟煤的产气率平均为1950m3· t-1,煤层气化率可达到74·6%。

  • The EM52 ( also known as T-1 ) is a submarine-laid fast-rising rocket-propelled bottom mine .

    中国 EM52型(也即是特-1)是一种潜水艇放置快速-上浮火箭推进沉底水雷。

  • All the new compounds were evaluated anti-HIV activities in MT-2 cell lines and three promising anti-HIV hits T-24 T-11 and T-1 were found .

    所有目标化合物在 MT-2细胞上进行了抗HIV活性评价,其中3个化合物显示了明显的抗HIV活性。

  • PCR analysis for 7 transgenic plants in T-1 generation showed two lines of them were close to 1 ∶ 1 and other two lines almost close to 1 ∶ 3 .

    对7个株系 T1植株的PCR分析,得出其中两株系接近1∶1,另两株系为1∶3。

  • P_ ( t-1 ) the precipitation in last year ( mm ); General Contents in 2003

    P( t-1)为上一年的总降水量(毫米);2003年总目次

  • The results based on the financial pre-warning model test sample shows that : the prediction accuracy of the financial evaluation system pre-warning model with VAR contained is more than the traditional financial evaluation system pre-warning model both in T-1 years and in T-2 years .

    基于检验样本的财务预警模型 超前 2年的预测结果则显示:相对于传统的财务评估体系,融入VaR 参数 上市 公司的财务风险回归模型在 T-1年、T-2年的 超前预测 能力都更准确一些。

  • The results showed that the financial crisis before the T-1 T-2 T-3 respectively on the validity of test : 90.51 % 86.78 % 74.03 % .

    结果发现,财务危机发生的前 T-1、T-2、T-3年的有效性检验分别达到:90.51%、86.78%、74.03%。

  • The Biological Compatibility Evaluation of the Acellular Tissue Repairing Patch

    T-1 细胞 异体组织补片生物相容性评价研究

  • Studies on the Transfection of Phage T-1 to Corynebacterium

    侵染 齿棒状杆菌的噬菌体 T-1转染研究

  • With voice as the primary traffic component an operator could meet its backhaul requirements with a couple of T-1 's per base station .

    语音是流量的主要组成部分,运营商可以在每个基站用几个 T-1来满足其回程要求。