


  • The Effects of Celecoxib on Inhibiting Raji Cells Proliferation and Synergistic Effects Combined with Adriamycin

    Celecoxib对Raji细胞增殖抑制作用及与阿霉素 协同效应的研究

  • Study on Ecological Synergy Patterns and Synergistic Effect of Enterprise Cluster in China

    我国企业群的生态协同模式与 协同效应研究

  • Researchers also hope that the metformin protocol could have similar synergistic effects in other types of cancers .

    研究员也希望二甲双胍疗法在其它癌症的治疗上具有同样的 增强疗效作用。

  • This chapter presents a synergistic combination of standing poses that effectively activates and re-awakens the psoas muscle .

    此章节描述了有效激活和唤醒腰肌的站立体式之间的 协同作用。

  • The following products have been selected for their synergistic effects in treating stomach and gastrointestinal disorders in cats .

    以下产品已被选定为治疗猫胃和胃肠功能紊乱的 协同效应。

  • Zinc Bacitracin and penicillin streptomycin neomycin chlortetracycline colistin which are synergistic antibacterial effect .

    杆菌肽锌与青霉素、链霉素、新霉素、金霉素、黏菌素等有 协同抗菌作用。

  • Synergistic effect among zinc soap and any other metal soaps was studied by Congo Red method and Heating method .

    通过静态刚果红法、热烘法来研究锌皂与各种不同金属皂间的 协同热稳定效果。

  • The results showed that AP has obvious antioxidant effects as safety high efficiency antioxidant and synergistic agent .

    结果表明,AP具有显著的抗氧化性,是一种安全、高效的抗氧化剂和 增效剂。

  • Objective : To screen out the principles possessing the anti-malaria synergistic effect with allylpyrocatechol from Semen Arecae .

    目的:从槟榔中筛选出能与烯丙基焦儿茶酚具有 协同抗疟疾的化合物。

  • There is a synergistic action between the sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate on the dispersion of ultra-fine hematite .

    氢氧化钠和硅酸钠对微细粒赤铁矿的分散具有 协同作用;

  • Utilizing the synergistic effect of ethanol and ultrasound prepared maltose seed crystal quickly under abirritant conditions .

    在较缓和的条件下,可以利用乙醇-超声波的 协同作用快速制备麦芽糖晶种。

  • The combination of HMHEC and cationic polymers surprising results in a synergistic effect .

    HMHEC和阳离子聚合物的结合在 协同效应方面产生了令人惊奇的效果。

  • The antioxidation of mustard oil for rapeseed oil and the synergistic function of citric acid were studied in this paper .

    本文主要研究了芥末油对菜籽油的抗氧化作用和柠檬酸在抗氧化中的 增效作用。

  • Synergistic effect existed between increase of temperature and reduction of glucose concentration .

    温度增高和葡萄糖浓度降低两因素之间 具有 协同效应。

  • Influence of Synergistic Effect of Cu Particles and Striated Surface Texture on Tribological Properties

    Cu颗粒和条纹表面织构的 协同作用对摩擦副摩擦磨损性能的影响

  • Synergistic Interactions of TRAIL and Paclitaxel on the Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cell Line in Vitro

    TRAIL与紫杉醇联合应用对鼻咽癌 CNE-1和CNE-2细胞株的体外作用

  • Effect of acupuncture and adjustment of dietary structure against obesity : is single action or synergistic action better ?

    针刺与饮食结构调整对抗肥胖的效应单一作用与 协同作用的比较?

  • However in CAPD patients a synergistic effect between CAPD and inflammation would further aggravate LV diastolic dysfunction .

    然而,在腹膜透析患者中,腹膜透析和炎症之间的 协同效应将进一步加剧左室舒张功能障碍。

  • The synergistic effects of the two receptor susceptible alleles may promote chronic periodontitis .

    这两种等位基因的 共同携带对慢性 牙周炎的病情进展有一定的促进作用。

  • Result : The Azone-propylene glycol had obviously synergistic effects .

    结果:氮酮在丙二醇溶液中具有明显的促 作用。

  • Objective : Study on the synergistic effect of Xiangqi granules and Shuanghuanglian granules on anti-immunosuppressive mice infections .

    目的:研究香芪颗粒对双黄连颗粒抗免疫抑制小鼠感染的 协同作用。

  • Study on Synergistic Toughening Effect of Nucleating Agent and Elastomer on Polypropylene

    成核剂与弹性体 协同增韧聚丙烯的研究

  • Synergistic action of cyclophosphamide and 5-fluorouracil in ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma

    环磷酰胺和5-氟尿嘧啶对卵巢透明细胞腺癌的 协同作用

  • Similarly synergistic effects were seen with KINK-1 and camptothecin .

    同样的 协同作用也见于KINK-1和喜树碱的联合治疗。

  • The Study on Synergistic Antitumor Mechanism for Zoledronic Acid and Paclitaxel in Vitro

    唑来膦酸与紫杉醇体外 协同抗肿瘤作用机制的实验研究

  • Synergistic Surface Modification of Aluminum Tube by Silane and Surface Active Agent

    表面活性剂与硅烷对铝管表面的 协同改性研究

  • Objective To investigate the synergistic analgesic action of rotundine combined with subthreshold dose of dolantin .

    目的观察 罗通定与阈下剂量哌替啶合用后对哌替啶镇痛作用的影响。

  • Furthermore a combination of different fibres prebiotics and probiotics should be studied because of synergistic effects in different diseases .

    而且不同的纤维,益生素和益生菌应该研究的结合,因为在不同的疾病的 协同效应。

  • Synergistic effects : The concomitant use of alcohol or other CNS depressants may produce additive CNS depressant effects .
