tea tray

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  • Twinkle twinkle little Bat ! How I wonder what you 're at ! Up aBove the world you fly like a tea tray in the sky .

    一闪,一闪,小蝙蝠!不知你往哪里扑。高高飞翔离地面,像个 茶盘在天间。

  • To increase the terrifying effect Bert rattled the tea tray and played The Bay of Biscay .

    为了增加恐怖的气氛,伯特一面敲着 茶盘一面吹奏着《比斯开湾之曲》。

  • The tea tray is designed to be like a go board and the round teacup and teapot are just like several large-sized go chess pieces .

    茶具 托盘的表面设计成围棋盘面,圆润的茶杯和茶壶就好比几颗大的围棋子。

  • She brought in the tea on a tray .

    她用 托盘 进来。

  • Tea over and the tray removed she again summoned us to the fire .

    吃完 茶点盘子走了,她又把我们叫到炉火跟前。

  • Nastasia brought the tea with handleless Japanese cups and little covered dishes placing the tray on a low table .

    纳斯塔西娅送来了 茶水,还有无柄的日本茶杯和小盖碟。她把 茶盘放在一张矮桌上。

  • Covered-bowl tea spokesperson of the tea cafes in Chengdu consists of lid bowl and tray .

    盖碗茶,成都 茶馆的“代言人”,由“盖、碗、 ”组成。

  • Colonel Terry walked in with two cups of tea on a tray . nobody around here sleeps he said cheerfully .

    特里上校用 托盘 两杯 来。“这里没有人睡觉,”他兴奋地说。

  • This is both static and dynamic same color scene constitutes a tea tray Trinidad lake color have with Pitt in blue on the magnificent screen .

    这静动兼备,水天一色的景致,构成了“千 茶盘湖水色,含烟带月碧于蓝”的醉人画面。

  • A waitress came in carrying tea on a tray .

    一名女侍者走进来, 端放着 托盘