tank vessel


  • The reactor tank fired four prominent tailgate when stirring the liquid in the vessel wall to block the change in liquid flow play a spoiler role to achieve better mixing effect .

    内胆烧制四条突出的挡板,搅拌时在 壁阻挡液体从而改变液体流向,起到扰流作用,达到更理想的搅拌效果。

  • Therefore firstly this paper theoretically analyzed the contraction of inner vessels of the cryogenic tank after filling put forward the concept of equivalent length of inner vessel and get the calculating model of the interspace volume change .

    因此,本文首先从理论上分析充液后低温 储罐 的冷缩量,提出了内 当量长度的概念,进而得出夹层体积变化量计算模型。

  • Bullet type tank Study of Factors Influencing Maximum Hoop Stress in Cylinder of Horizontal Vessel with Double Saddles

    卧式圆筒形压力 储罐对影响双支座卧式 容器筒体上最大环向应力因素的研究

  • The main technical specifications of the equipment are the tank volume of 0.015 m3 / kWh and the vessel heat transfer area of 0.41 m2 / kWh .

    结果新型立式封装板蓄冰设备的 体积0.015m3/kWh, 容器换热面积0.41m2/kWh。

  • The anti-rolling tank is one of stabilizing equipments and it fits for ships working at zero speed or low speed such as passenger and train ferry roll-off vessel research and exploration vessel and so on in particular .

    减摇水 是船舶减横摇装置之一,它适用于经常工作在零航速或低航速的船舶减摇,如车客轮渡、滚装船和科学考察 等。

  • A new system designed for detection and control of weighing and pressure in the tank truck is introduced in this paper which is capable of intelligent detection control and management of the pressurized vessel .

    本文介绍了吸引压送 罐装车称量和压力测控系统的设计,用以实现压力 罐体的智能化测控和管理。

  • Fatigue Strength Analysis and Assessment Method Study of Membrane Tank LNG Vessel

    薄膜 LNG 疲劳强度分析与评估方法研究

  • The Temperature Forecast Using Grey System Theory for Cargo Tank of LEG Vessel

    灰色系统理论对LEG 货舱温度的预测

  • In this article the design of truck tank car for liquefied petroleum gas is discussed in ten aspects . The design basis includes the main parameters the type of vessel . the design of structure and the calculation of the main pressure elements .

    本文从十个方面陈述液化石油气汽车 罐车的设计,主要压力参数的计算和结构设计是这类 容器的设计基础。

  • It is urgent require to study friction welding of high temperature alloy and heat-resisting steel which used in hot dynamical parts of tank vessel engine etc.

    高温合金与耐热钢的摩擦焊接成型与控制是 坦克舰船发动机等热动力部件连接发展的迫切需要。

  • Horizontal steel tank lined with plastic body 's production of steel in accordance with ( JB / T4735-1997 welded steel pressure vessel technical conditions ) .

    卧式钢衬塑 贮罐钢体的制作按照(JB/T4735-1997《钢制焊接常压 容器》技术条件)。

  • Overproofed defects found in 1 500 m3 propylene spheric tank during opening for examination are evaluated for fragility and analyzed for fatigue life according to CVDA - 84 defect evaluation standard for pressure vessel .

    根据CVDA-84《压力 容器缺陷评定规范》对1500m3丙烯球罐开 检测时发现的超标缺陷进行脆性评定及疲劳寿命分析。