target organs

[医] 靶器,目标器官(感受某些内分泌作用的)

  • Ischemic stroke is caused by clogged blood vessels thereby putting target organs at risk of cellular death .

    缺血性中风是血管阻塞从而使 目标 器官有细胞死亡的风险而引起的。

  • Aim To investigate the regulating effect and mechanism of Sini decoction ( SND ) on the vasoactive substances expression in main target organs and the contents in blood .

    目的探讨四逆汤对肾性高血压大鼠血液内血管活性物质含量和主要 器官血管活性物质表达的调节作用。

  • The ovary like the kidney seemed to be one of the important target organs of cadmium .

    卵巢同肾脏一样,也是镉的重要的 器官之一。

  • Sexual difference exist in chronic toxicity liver and kidney are the main target organs .

    亚慢性毒性表现出一定的雌雄差异,肝脏和肾脏是其主要 器官

  • The results demonstrated that the target organs impaired by high copper were liver alimentary tract and immune organs .

    表明,肝、消化道和免疫器官是高铜损害的主要 器官

  • The heart and vessels are target organs of relaxin .

    心脏和血管是松弛素的 器官

  • Spleen kidney and liver as target organs of infection appeared metamorphic necrosis .

    脾脏、肾脏和肝脏是感染损伤的 器官,出现变质性坏死;伴有心外膜炎、脑膜炎和卡他性肠炎。

  • Conclusion The experiment suggests that the target organs were liver kidney heart and blood vessels ;

    结论及己毒作用的主要 器官 组织是肝脏、肾脏、心脏和全身血管。

  • The lung is one of the primary target organs of paraquat .

    百草枯对全身多 器官均可产生毒性,肺组织是最重要的 器官之一。

  • Gastrin and cholecystokinin and secretin act on the same target organs .

    促胃液素、缩胆囊素和分泌素作用于相同的 器官

  • The Relationship between Resting Heart Rate and Target Organs Damage in Senile Essential Hypertension

    老年高血压患者静息心率与 器官损害的研究

  • The probable target organs of GTE were liver and kidney .

    高剂量组GTE可能作用的 器官为肝脏和肾脏。

  • Thus the study of the key mechanisms leading to injury in target organs and failure of adaptive processes holds great promise for the identification of mechanism-targeted therapeutic approaches .

    因此,导致 器官损伤和适应过程失败的主要机制的研究认为大有希望的识别机制,有针对性的治疗方法。

  • The Clinical Valuation of the Different Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Parameters in Hypertensive Target Organs Damage

    不同动态血压参数在高血压 器官损害中的应用价值

  • Conclusion The experiment suggests that the target organs were liver and kidney .

    结论黄药子毒作用的主要 器官组织为肝和肾。

  • Lung and spleen are target organs that are easily damaged during ES .

    肺脏和脾脏是ES时最易受损的 器官

  • BACKGROUND : The indicant of successful transplanted bone marrow stem cells is that the labeled transplanted cells can survive in the target organs and can their biological functions .

    背景:骨髓干细胞移植成功的定性 指标是标记移植的细胞至 组织 器官后存活并发挥了正常的功能。

  • The Relationship between Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome Types and Target Organs Damage in Aged Patients with Essential Hypertension

    老年原发性高血压病 器官损害与中医辨证分型的相关性研究

  • It showed DPC in the WBC can be used as a surrogate to indicate genotoxic lesions in target organs .

    提示白细胞DPC可作为 器官的替代物反映镍对 器官的遗传损害。

  • Relationship between artery pulse wave velocity and target organs damage in patients with essential hypertension

    原发性高血压患者脉搏波传导速度与 器官损害的相关性研究

  • Lungs and immune system were main target organs attacked by the virus .

    肺部和免疫系统是病毒主要作用的 器官

  • Objective To study the cumulative toxicity and target organs of repetitive inhalation exposure to chlorine dioxide and determine the safe concentration of chlorine dioxide for human .

    目的观察二氧化氯气体多次经呼吸道接触对实验动物的蓄积毒性作用及其 器官,确定人体可直接暴露于二氧化氯气体的安全浓度。

  • Clinical Observing on the Effects of Morning Blood Pressure to Target Organs Among the Old Hypertension Patients

    老年人清晨高血压对 器官损害的临床观察

  • Whether local autocrine and paracrine factors within target organs such as the heart modulate AMPK is unknown .

    现尚未清楚是否是由心脏等 器官内的局部自分泌和旁分泌因子调控AMPK。

  • The target organs of stress hormones likewise dance to the beat : blood pressure climbs and drops the heart races and slows the intestines constrict and relax .

    压力荷尔蒙的 方针 器官近似于和着节拍起舞:血压升高和低落,心脏跳得快跳得慢,肠胃缩短和放松。

  • Recent study has shown specific localization of 1 - ( OH ) _2-D_3 in target organs .

    最近的研究表明了1(OH)2-D3在 组织中的特异性定位。

  • Application of Self organizing Fuzzy Control Based on the Single Chip Microcomputer on the SCR Magnetic Sputter Cathodic Power Source The lung is one of the primary target organs of paraquat .

    单片机及自组织模糊控制在可控硅磁控溅射靶极电源中的应用百草枯对全身多 器官均可产生毒性,肺组织是最重要的 器官之一。

  • Histopathologic examinations showed that the target organs of sub-chronic toxicity was kidneys in Wistar rats .

    组织病理学观察表明,二甲氧苄啶对Wistar大鼠亚慢性毒性作用的 器官为肾脏。

  • The presence in the other target organs such as brain kidney and thymus ;

    除肝脏以外,还存在于胸腺、脑、肾等 器官

  • Identification of Virus Binding Proteins from Target Organs of Lymphocystis Disease Virus in Japanese Flounder

    牙鲆淋巴囊肿病毒 器官上病毒结合蛋白的鉴定