target statement

[ˈtɑrɡɪt ˈstetmənt][ˈtɑ:ɡit ˈsteitmənt]


  • Next you construct an SQL command to update the target row by using an SQL UPDATE statement with a WHERE CURRENT OF clause .

    接下来,构造SQL命令来更新 目标行,方法为使用带有WHERECURRENTOF子句的SQLUPDATE 语句

  • US rate futures implied a 58 per cent chance that the Fed would raise its target by 25 basis points by the middle of next year compared with 48 per cent immediately after the FOMC statement .

    美国利率期货暗示,美联储在明年年中前 加息25个基点的概率为58%,而在美联储公开市场委员会 声明刚刚 发布后,这一概率仅为48%。

  • With such plumbs you can target the statement loop function class or library that is most sluggish .

    有了这种垂直度,就可以将 语句、循环、函数、类或者是运行缓慢的库作为分析 目标

  • The paper collects the data of financial achievement target from financial statement of commercial bank which are easily gained .

    本文对商业银行财务绩效评价 指标的数据采集来自商业银行财务 会计 报告,这些数据信息获得方便。

  • Our country existing appraisal target system mainly takes accountant profit as foundation and takes the balanced statement and the profit statement correlation index as the core system .

    我国现有的评价 指标体系主要是以会计利润为基础,以资产负债 和利润表的相关指标为核心的体系。

  • Inserting / updating a target table from source table ( MERGE statement )

    利用源表(sourcetable)插入/更新 目标表(MERGE 语句

  • That means that neither the target method nor the implementation needs to exist until the statement with the message is executed .

    这意味着在执行该消息的 语句前,既不需要 目标方法,也不需要实现。

  • A Study on Forming Analysis Target System of The Statement of Cash Flow

    试论现金流量 分析 指标体系的构建

  • One target two cores and three reforms & Leader Liu Xinmin 's statement on auxiliary documents of Guiding Opinions

    一个 目标二个核心三项改革& 刘新明司长谈《指导意见 配套文件

  • In each XML file you 'll find a similar case-sensitive target statement that specifies where the content belongs in the navigation of a solution information project .

    在每个XML文件中,都能发现一个类似的区分大小写的 目标 语句,这个 语句指定了内容属于解决方案信息项目导航中的哪个位置。

  • We will not target our exchange rates for competitive purposes the G20 finance ministers said in a statement that echoed a similar call last week from the G7 .

    我们不会出于竞争目的将汇率列为 目标,G20各国财长在一份 声明中表示。这份 声明呼应了七国集团(G7)上周作出的类似表态。

  • This type of task where both source and target are within the same database and transformations are not overly complex is well suited to re-writing the job into a single SQL statement that can be executed wholly within the database engine .

    这种类型的作业有一个特点,即源和 目标在相同的数据库中,且执行的转换并不复杂,这种作业非常适合重新将作业编写成一条可以完全在数据库引擎中执行的SQL 语句

  • As you want to execute the following statements against the target database MYSAMPLE you alter the CONNECT statement accordingly .

    因为希望对 目标数据库MYSAMPLE执行下面的语句,所以要相应地修改CONNECT 语句

  • In the new drillthrough action specify the action name target condition and the columns that are returned by a drillthrough statement .

    在新的钻取操作中,指定drillthrough 语句返回的操作名称、 目标、条件以及列。