tariff barrier

[ˈtærɪf ˈbæriɚ][ˈtærif ˈbæriə]


  • After China entered into WTO with the reduce of textile quota and tariff barrier TBT become a main barrier on Chinese textile and apparel export .

    我国入世后,随着纺织配额和 关税 壁垒的减少,技术性贸易壁垒必然成为影响我国纺织服装出口的主要障碍。

  • The international market competition key no longer is the tariff barrier but is take the technical competition as the core intellectual property rights barrier .

    国际市场竞争的关键不再是 关税 壁垒,而是以技术竞争为核心的知识产权壁垒。

  • Tariff barriers show negative correlations with industrial entrance barrier whereas non - tariff barriers show no systematic influence .

    关税壁垒与产业进入 壁垒间表现为负相关,非关税壁垒对产业进入壁垒没有表现出系统性的影响。

  • Enterprise should take measures to this non-tariff trade barrier structure the countermeasure against to system of the tariff trade barrier utilize country working mechanism further make enterprise evade and reply the non-tariff trade barrier s better .

    企业应对非 关税 壁垒采取措施,构建应对非关税贸易壁垒的对策体系,进一步利用国家相关的应诉工作机制,使企业更好地规避和应对非关税壁垒。

  • The commitment which is involved during the WTO negotiation includes : tariff cut openness of non-tariff barrier the permission of the foreign capital into the domestic automobile service sector .

    中国在加入WTO谈判过程中涉及汽车产品的相关承诺包括 关税的降低、非关税 壁垒的放开、国内汽车服务贸易领域允许外资进入等方面将逐步兑现。

  • With the surge of global environmental consciousness and view of green consumption tariff barrier being replaced by green barrier enterprises would accountable for environmental protection instead of the default of the economic status for sustainable development idea .

    随着全球环保意识的高涨以及绿色消费观念的兴起,绿色壁垒逐渐取代 关税 壁垒,缺乏可持续发展概念的经济形态将被取代,企业势将负起环境保护的社会责任。

  • Tariff and non-tariff barrier

    关税 壁垒和非关税 壁垒

  • The World Trade Organization ( the WTO ) is dedicated to reduce tariff cancel non-tariff barrier and realize trade liberalization by multilateral trade negotiation .

    世界贸易组织(WTO)致力于通过多边贸易谈判使各成员方不断降低 关税,取消非关税 壁垒,实现贸易自由化。

  • After joining WTO the enterprise of our country faces unprecedented opportunity and challenge cutting down the internationalization which has caused the market range gradually of international tariff barrier has increased the degree of freedom of management of the enterprise has expanded the profit-making space .

    加入WTO后,我国企业面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战,国际 关税 壁垒的逐步削减导致了市场范围的国际化,增加了企业的经营自由度,扩大了获利空间。

  • In the 21st century the function of tariff barrier has greatly weakened in the international trade .

    在21世纪的国际贸易中, 关税 壁垒的作用已大大削弱。

  • After China 's entry into WTO our country will step down import tariffs and eliminate non tariff barrier .

    随着“入世”成功,我国将陆续减让进口关税,消除非 关税 壁垒

  • Green barriers will become a major impediment to China 's export along with China 's accession to the WTO and the gradual disappearance of the tariff barrier .

    随着中国加入WTO和 关税 壁垒的逐渐消失,绿色壁垒将成为我国出口的一大障碍。

  • Nowadays in the world free trade has become the mainstream of the world economy ; it is the main topic among countries to lower the tariff and non-tariff barrier during the bilateral and multilateral discussion .

    当今世界,贸易自由化成为世界经济发展的主流,降低 关税和非关税 壁垒成为各国双边和多边谈判的主要议题。

  • In the negotiation of joining WTO China promised to enlarge the market of farm products reduce the tariff and cancel non-tariff barrier and allowance of foodstuff export step by step .

    在加入WTO谈判中,我国承诺扩大农产品市场开放程度,降低 关税,逐步取消非关税 壁垒和粮食出口补贴等。

  • However with the falling or back - out of tariff barrier and traditional non - tariff barrier in recent years a kind of barrier known as green barrier which is seemingly legal has and will keep having harmful effect on China 's export trade .

    但是,随着 关税 壁垒以及传统非关税壁垒的降低或拆除,近年来,一种披着合法外衣的绿色壁垒已经并将继续对我国出口贸易的发展产生巨大影响。

  • Firstly imposing carbon tax is propitious for establishing the international image and coping with carbon tariff trade barrier ; Secondly imposing carbon tax can ease the pressure on the domestic environment and improve Chinese green tax system .

    首先,开征碳税有利于树立国际形象和应对碳 关税贸易 壁垒;其次,开征碳税有利于缓解国内环境压力和完善我国的绿色税收体系。

  • Standard and Patent and the Non - tariff Barrier

    标准·专利· 贸易技术 壁垒

  • The deterioration of global environments brings trade restriction measures into the consideration of environment protection and the prick up of international economy competition causes the cut down of tariff and non-tariff trade barrier .

    全球环境问题的恶化使得人们开始考虑使用经贸限制措施促进环境的保护,国际经济竞争的加剧使 关税和传统的非关税 壁垒进一步削减。

  • With the tariff barrier function weakened more concealment and stronger technical barriers of trade has become the most widespread and most difficult to deal with .

    随着 关税 壁垒作用日益减弱,技术性贸易壁垒作为更隐蔽、更有效的壁垒,已成为最普遍、最难以对付的贸易壁垒。

  • Traditional tariff barriers reduces gradually and new non - tariff barrier appears continuously .

    传统的关税壁垒逐渐降低,而新的非 关税 壁垒不断出现。

  • The technical trade barrier took one kind of new trade barrier has obviously some is different with the tradition non - tariff barrier characteristic its function machine-made and economical effect and traditional trade barrier existence wide difference .

    技术性贸易壁垒作为一种新型的贸易壁垒,具有一些明显不同于传统非 关税 壁垒的特点,它的作用机制及经济效应与传统贸易壁垒存在较大差别。

  • This paper analyzes the present situation of Chinese and world alumina industries and the gap between the two and indicates the sharp competitive in the domestic and world markets when the tariff barrier is eliminated after entering into WTO .

    本文通过对中国氧化铝工业的现状及其与世界水平的差距的分析,阐明了入世后随着 关税贸易 壁垒的消除,国内、国际市场的竞争更加激烈。

  • On the other hand other national trade protective measures will able to strengthen the non - tariff barrier form and the dynamics also will fill the variable along with it .

    另一方面,其他国家的贸易保护措施将会加强,非 关税 壁垒的形式和力度也随之充满变数。

  • According to the statistics in the 20th century 70 's in the international trade technical trade barrier approximately composes the non - tariff barrier 10 % - 30 % had not been rising to 90 's this proportion to 45 % about .

    据统计在20世纪70年代,国际贸易中的技术性贸易壁垒约占非 关税 壁垒的10%-30%,到了90年代未这一比例正上升到45%左右。

  • Since the success of Uruguay Round negotiation in 1994 and the establishment of WTO in 1995 tariff barrier in world trade and traditional non-tariff barrier have been dying down .

    1994年乌拉圭回合谈判成功结束和1995年世贸组织成立以来,国际贸易中的 关税 壁垒已在很大程度上被取消,传统的非关税壁垒的活动空间也在日益缩小。

  • This article proceeding from the considerations of clearing up of non - tariff barrier by WTO and assessing of unified conformity analyses the problems existing in implementing Standard ISO9000 by our iron & steel enterprises and puts forward the countermeasures .

    本文从WTO消除非 关税 壁垒和统一合格评定程序出发,分析了我国钢铁企业在贯彻实施ISO9000标准中存在的问题,提出了解决的方法。

  • With the economic globalization tariff wall gradually replaces by non-tariff barrier in which green barrier increasingly becomes the main obstacle in development of international trade because of its standout characteristics .

    随着全球经济的一体化, 关税 贸易壁垒逐步被非关税 贸易 壁垒所取代,而其中的绿色贸易壁垒更是以其鲜明的时代特性日益成为国际贸易发展的重要障碍。

  • With the eliminating of Tariff Barrier the Non-tariff Measures become one of the most effective instruments of trade strategy .

    关税 壁垒 不断 削弱 背景下,非关税措施逐渐成为 各国 实行贸易战略最有效的工具之一。

  • Post-WTO an undervalued currency is a tariff barrier by other means .

    在后WTO时代,汇率低估就是另一种方式的 关税 壁垒

  • Under such circumstance great changes have happened in protective measures in international trade with traditional tariff barrier and quota weakened and Technical Barrier to Trade becoming the main trade barrier .

    在这种趋势下,国际贸易中的保护措施发生了很大的变化,传统的 关税 壁垒与配额逐步削弱,技术性贸易壁垒已经成为最主要的贸易壁垒形式。