take the pledge

[tek ði plɛdʒ][teik ðə pledʒ]


  • And the skill and self-devotion of the Navy assure you that you may take the performance of the past as a pledge for the future and may confidently expect that the flag which has waved its untarnished folds over every sea will still float in undiminished honor .

    并且海军的技巧和努力也向你保证,你们可以 以往 行为作为将来的 承诺,并自信地期望那曾在每一海面上飘扬而不受沾污的旗帜仍将以未损的荣耀飘扬。

  • B.If emergency or abnormality occurs the LNG carrier personnel shall take necessary countermeasures according to the safety pledge letter to prevent expanding the incident .

    紧急事故或异常状况发生时,lng船应即依安全 誓约书意外事件处置方法 采取必要之紧急应变措施防范事故扩大。

  • They drive away the ass of the fatherless they take the widow 's ox for a pledge .

    他们拉去孤儿的驴, 强取寡妇的牛为 当头

  • Is take develops the market as the premise Altogether creates the win-win high quality product good prestige & Is this company to your dignified pledge .

    开拓市场为前提,共创双赢优质的产品,良好的信誉&是本公司对您的庄严 承诺

  • In order to revolt against the ruling class 's oppressive rule the oppressed people often imitate take the pledge of brotherhood being united to struggle .

    为反抗统治阶级的黑暗统治,被压迫的人民往往效法“桃园 结义”,团结 一致,进行斗争。

  • I asked For what will you take the pledge of allegiance from us then ?

    “我问,”有什么,你将会 采取 效忠 誓约,从我们当时的?

  • Thou shalt not take the nether nor the upper millstone to pledge : for he hath pledged his life to thee .

    不可 磨,或上面的一块磨石 抵押,因为这无异是 人的性命作抵押。

  • Take the pledge to respect and protect the worlds wildlife .

    作出 承诺尊重并保护全世界的野生动物。

  • Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger ; hold it in pledge if he does it for a wayward woman .

    谁为生人作保,就 衣服;谁为外女作保,谁就 承当