technical measurement

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ˈmɛʒəmənt][ˈteknikəl ˈmeʒəmənt]


  • Some suggestions on the Technical Measurement against Ice Cover on the HV Power Transmission line in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

    对青海高压输电线路防冰害 技术 措施的几点建议

  • Important technical measurement links of main fan and concrete measurement method of technical parameters of main fan are introduced in this paper . A concrete analysis of measurement results is also made .

    介绍了煤矿主通风机的 技术 测试的重要环节,以及主通风机技术参数的具体测试方法,同时对测试结果进行了具体分析。

  • Sample drilling technology is an indispensable technical measurement to regional map-drawing geophysical and geochemical sampling paleomagnetism sampling geological calamity early warning and prevention and control project site survey .

    取样钻技术是区域地质填图、物化探取样、古地磁取样、地质灾害预警防治和工程勘察等必不可少的 技术 手段

  • Technical data measurement charts labeling packing or stuffing requirements will be submitted by the Agent in written form and English language .

    对于 技术数据、 尺码表、标签、包装或填塞物方面的需求也由代理方以英文书面形式提交。

  • Investigation of Safety Technical Measurement for Storage System of Hydrogen Nitrate

    硝酸贮存系统安全 技术 措施探讨

  • The course Tolerance and Fit and Technical Measurement is an important basic course of machinery speciality and its aim is that students can get the basic knowledge and skill of interchanging and checking mechanical engineer should acquire .

    《公差配合与 技术 测量》是机械类专业的一门重要的专业基础课,该课程的任务在于使学生获得机械技术人员必备的互换性与检测方面的基础知识和基本技能。

  • Top-blowing oxygen into open-hearth furnace is a technical measurement of its energy-saving and production-increasing however the effects are influenced by many factors .

    平炉顶吹氧气是节能增产的 技术 措施,但它的效果却与众多因素有关。

  • Technical quality measurement and control of construction of red-sandstone-road-bed in freeway

    高速公路红砂岩 路基施工 技术与质量控制

  • Construction Method and Technical Measurement of Drilling ( Wash ) Bore Concrete Pile s

    钻(冲)孔混凝土灌注桩施工方法与 措施

  • Technical Measurement of Dusting Device of Lime Ore

    石灰石矿除尘设备 技改 措施

  • Traditional methods of technical efficiency measurement include parametric method and the non-parametric DEA based on radial technology distance function mainly .

    传统的 技术效率 测算方法主要包括参数方法和基于径向技术距离函数的非参数DEA方法。

  • By analyzing the problems of the water supply sys-tem in No.2 Steel-making Plant of Tiangang Group the technical reformation measurement is put forth and implemented .

    针对天钢第二炼钢厂板坯连铸水系统现存的问题进行了分析,提出了 技术改造 措施并实施。

  • Indicator technical measurement used to try to predict the market 's direction .

    指标试图预测市场方向的 技术 手段

  • Technical Measurement Microcomputer Processing of Mine Main Fan

    矿井主扇 技术 测定的微机处理方法

  • Application of Non - radial DEA in Technical Efficiency Measurement

    非径向DEA方法在 技术效率 测算中的应用

  • It also describes the result of bismuth removal and points out the technical measurement to reduce effect of Bi on copper cathode quality and the necessity and method to set up Bi removal step .

    评述了提高脱铋效果,降低铋对阴极铜质量影响的 技术 措施;指出建立脱铋工序的必要性及途径。

  • The current technical condition and grain production and distribution as well as the characteristic of circulation of area grain storage in Yunnan province has been analyzed at the same time the technical measurement for improving the level of grain storage and transport has been discussed .

    分析了云南省区粮食储藏技术现状及粮食产销和流通特点,论述了提高粮食储运水平的 技术 措施,即建立以散储 散运为主要形式的粮食流通主干线;

  • Technical measurement of improving coke quality

    提高焦炭质量的 技术 措施

  • This article introduces the development of sinter refining minerals in Anyang in recent years and technical measurement of improving sinter quality has been adopted .

    介绍了近几年来安钢烧结精料的发展情况,以及提高烧结矿的质量而采取的 技术 措施

  • Based on comprehensive technical measurement and management measurement the upstanding result are ultimately achieved by adopting load management system including load control remote reading data analysis and power check .

    在综合 技术 措施和管理措施的基础上,采用负荷控制、远方抄表、数据分析和用电检查一体化负荷管理系统,最终取得了良好的效益。

  • Study of technical efficiency measurement and total factor productivity of Chinas oilfields by stochastic frontier method

    我国油田随机前沿 技术效率与全要素 生产率研究

  • The technical measurement of ethane recovery rate enhanced of NGL plant

    提高NGL装置乙烷收率的 技术 措施

  • The Technical Measurement of the Large-scale Equipment and Its Guiding Function on the Actual Results

    大型设备 技术 测定及对实际效果的指导作用

  • According to the ISO standard Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement and the technical measurement specification of China Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement general procedure for evaluating uncertainties of thermocouples based temperature measurement system was deduced in this study .

    按照ISO标准“GuidetotheExpressionofUncertaintyinMeasurement”和国家 计量 技术规范JJF1059-1999“测量不确定度评定与表示”的规定,推导了热电偶测温系统不确定度评定的一般方法。

  • Stress analysis fabrication and installation standards of steel coal scuttle were made in addition the technical measurement for coal level type selection for discharge dolly and control process of coal discharge were discussed .

    完成了方圆杂交钢煤斗的应力分析,制定了钢煤斗的制作和安装标准、煤位 测量 技术条件、卸料小车选型、上煤控制工艺。

  • Measurement attestation denotes the examination and verification conducted by the government administrative departments for measurement of the capability and reliability of the relevant technical agencies in measurement examination and determination and testing .

    计量认证是指政府计量行政部门对有关 技术机构 计量检定、测试的能力和可靠性进行的考核和证明。

  • Study on Technical Parameter Measurement Method of Fuel Injection Pump Corrector

    喷油泵校正器 技术参数 测试方法研究

  • To analyse the cause of impeller jump of 15 000 Nm3 / h oxygen turbine expansion machine put forward the technical reform measurement solve the hidden trouble in operation and gain the remarkable economic benefit .

    分析了15000Nm~3/h制氧透平膨胀机叶轮频繁出现窜动的原因,并提出了具体的 技术改造 措施,解决了设备运行中存在的隐患,取得了可观经济效益。