tackle shoulder

[ˈtækəl ˈʃoldɚ][ˈtækl ˈʃəuldə]


  • Trade union organizations ought to strengthen their cohesiveness cater to the needs of new circumstances tackle the new problems and shoulder the new tasks .

    增强工会组织的凝聚力,适应新情况、 解决新问题、 肩负新任务。

  • Byrd also noted that because it 's difficult to get standard surgical instruments into the hip safely it has been a bit more of a challenging joint to tackle than the knee or shoulder .

    因为它很难得到进入髋安全的标准手术器械,这相对膝关节或 关节一直是个“ 处理起来比较有挑战性的关节”。

  • Enhance leading managerial abilities of local authorities set up correct views on public crisis response recognize completely and tackle reasonably the features of crisis and enable the government to be the core and shoulder for the public .

    要提高地方政府领导管理能力,树立正确的公共危机应对观念,深刻理解危机的特性并合理 应对,并使政府能够成为公众的核心与 依靠

  • When you see the players tackle each other you understand why they have shoulder pads .

    当你看到球员互相 扭时,你就会了解他们为什么要 垫肩