tape file

[tep faɪl][teip fail]


  • If you are backing up data to an existing tape or file that you want to overwrite you can select this option .

    如果要将数据备份到要覆盖的现有 磁带文件上,可以选择此选项。

  • Logs only key operations such as loading a tape starting the backup or failing to open a file .

    只记录主要操作,例如加载 磁带,启动备份或未能打开 文件

  • However rather than copy files and a directory structure to a tape you can also use tar to copy into a file .

    然而,除了可以将文件和目录结构复制到 磁带,您还可以使用tar将它们复制到一个 文件

  • The magnetic tape file system is used for the storage and searching of earthquake catalogues phase data and station informations .

    本系统用于存储和检索地震目录、震相数据及 台站信息。

  • A tape transport where the file reel is separated from the machine reel and is not enclosed in a cassette or cartridge .

    和收 盘分开的一种 磁带机,其 磁带卷并不固封在磁带盒中。

  • A inlayed method for various application program of Windows were provided by transforming the voice on a tape into computer wave file and writing adynamic function library with VC + +

    录音 磁带上语音转到计算机上,形成波形 文件,用VC++写成动态函数库,为windows平台上的各种应用程序提供一种嵌入使用的方法。

  • Dump and restore work with tape drives and file devices providing a wide range of options .

    dump和restore使用 磁带驱动器和提供广泛选项的 文件设备。

  • This virtual file system realizes access by name including tape file creation tape file read tape file update tape file deletion tape file copy tape file renaming and tape defragment .

    该虚拟文件系统包括 磁带 文件创建、文件读取、文件更新、文件删除、文件拷贝、文件重命名以及磁带存储空间碎片整理等操作。

  • Computer magnetic tape seismologic file system

    计算机 磁带地震 文件系统

  • The physical structure in network-month tape is non-structured dataflow in which one physical block has 2000 bytes and one file is composed of blocks .

    网月 的物理结构是无结构的数据流,每2000个字节为一个物理块(BLOCK),每个 文件由若干个BLOCK组成。

  • You can now specify that ontape uses standard I / O instead of a tape device or disk file .

    现在可以指定ontape使用标准I/O,而不是 使用 磁带设备或者磁盘 文件

  • An identification record for a tape or disk file .

    磁带或磁盘 文件的标识说明记录。

  • He rewound the tape and ejected the cassette and put it aside for her to file .

    他倒过 磁带,打开卡盒取出磁带,然后放在一边,让她收拾起来 归档

  • Here in this paper the structure of program tape of CSU digital logging system was discussed and as a result the file and program directories of it was presented .

    文中讨论了CSU数控测井仪的程序 结构,介绍其中的 文件目录与程序目录,分析了CSU是如何通过 文件目录与程序目录管理程序 上的 文件的。

  • Storage needs are similar regardless of the mechanism ( database network device tape w_821 or file system ) .

    无论存储机制如何(数据库、网络设备 磁带w_839或 文件系统),存储需求都是相似的。

  • But the drive software of these devices equipped in PC only supports the fixed tape file format and lack of the software and hardware documents it is difficult to use these devices efficiently and to exchange information .

    然而装备在PC机上的这类设备相应的驱动软件只支持固定的 磁带 文件格式,加之软硬件资料的缺乏,给这类设备的信息交换和高效使用带来了困难。

  • A method is introduced for reading out the files in a foreign magnetic tape volume indirectly in terms of a code file dumped from the tape by the DUMP utility or command .

    本文介绍了在VAX/VMS环境下,通过对DUMP代码转贮实用程序读出外来 磁带卷代码 文件作适当的处理,将 磁带卷上文件间接读出。

  • Information processing & Magnetic tape labelling and file structure for information interchange

    GB/T7574-1987信息处理交换用 磁带标号和 文卷结构