



  • It is a light room with tall windows

    这间房有 高大的窗子,光线 充足

  • He was almost as tall as Pete but skinnier

    他和皮特差不多 ,但更瘦。

  • He was a tall thin man with grey hair

    他是个 瘦高 ,头发灰白。

  • At this rate she would be almost seven feet tall by then

    这样下去,她到时将有7英尺 了。

  • That 's a pretty tall story .

    这话 太玄了。

  • Tony my oldest is already taller than me and he 's only eleven .

    我家老大托尼今年才11岁,就已经比我 了。

  • Birds are abundant in the tall vegetation .


  • I 'm tall and thin and he 's short and fat .

    又瘦,他 矮又胖。

  • You are not as tall as he .


  • He is a tall spare young man .

    他是个 清瘦 个子青年。

  • It 's only a year since I last saw the child and he 's grown so tall .

    这孩子一年不见,长这么 了。

  • This young chap is very tall .

    这小伙子个 头儿不小。

  • Being tall can make you feel incredibly self-confident

    个子 会使你感觉极其自信。

  • The building rose before him tall and stately


  • The rooms were spacious with tall windows and high ceilings


  • He was a tall stout man with gray hair .

    他是个 胖、头发灰白的男子。

  • I struggled but he was a tall man well-built .

    我使劲挣扎,但他又 又壮

  • They drove through a tall iron gate and stopped before a large white villa .

    他们开车穿过一个 铁门,在一栋白色的大别墅前面停了下来。

  • Lovett was a tall commanding man with a waxed gray mustache

    洛维特是个威严的 个男人,蓄着灰白的八字胡。

  • I 'm only 5ft tall and I look younger than my age

    我才5英尺 ,显得比实际年龄小。

  • These panels folded up to form a screen some five feet tall

    这些嵌板折起来组成了一个约5英尺 的屏风。

  • Melissa was a tall buxom blonde .

    梅利莎是个丰满的 个子金发美女。

  • He is as tall as his brother .


  • His secretary was a tall woman in pince-nez .

    他的秘书是位戴着夹鼻眼镜的 女士。

  • He 's described as around thirty years old six feet tall and of medium build

    他被描述成一个30岁左右、6英尺 、中等身材的人。

  • Financing your studies may seem like a tall order but there is plenty of help available .

    学费的筹措可能看似一个 难题,好在你可以获得许多帮助。

  • To his delight a familiar tall languid figure lowered itself down the steps of a club .

    看到一个熟悉的 高大身影沿着俱乐部的台阶无精打采地走下来,他高兴极了。

  • I am already as tall as she is

    我已经和她一样 了。

  • I could just make out a tall pale shadowy figure tramping through the undergrowth

    我只依稀看见一个 的模糊身影穿过了矮树丛。

  • The windows overlooked a lawn of tall waving grass .

    窗户外边是一块草地, 的草随风摇摆。