tall talk

[tɔl tɔk][tɔ:l tɔ:k]


  • In Ding Zhuren eyes Wuxi Ming is tall handsome youth talk funny work carefully to accept strong quick thinking practical work hard .

    在丁主任眼里,吴希明是 帅气的 个子青年, 讲话幽默,办事认真,承受力强,思想矫捷,踏实肯干。

  • The message says tall canal of Microsoft and Yahoo had held a talk at least one times but both sides was not reached consistent .

    有消息称,微软和雅虎 高管已经举行了至少一次 会谈,但双方并未达成一致。

  • He 's too tall to talk to .

    他太 了,不 方便 聊天

  • They indulge in tall talk .

    他们一味 大话

  • In the garden he had a tall mast with a flag atop and he hauled it up and let it down with ropes and used strange sailor talk such as country folk don 't understand .

    他在花园里 了一根 桅杆,顶端有一面旗子。他用绳子把旗子升起,降下。他说的一些奇奇怪怪的水手 ,乡下人是听不懂的。