



  • A year later she played a teen in the made-for-TV monster movie Triassic Attack .

    一年后,她在一部后期制作成电视剧的怪兽电影《三迭纪来袭》中扮演一个 少女

  • He also wanted to show his character changing from a rebellious teen into a much more troubled young man .

    他还希望展示出他的角色从一个叛逆 少年向一个更加困扰的青年的转变。

  • Readers have you faced problems guiding your teen or young adult to dress appropriately ?

    各位读者,你有没有同样的问题,需要引导自己 十几 或已经成年的孩子穿着得体?

  • Do you think the more relaxed Dutch attitude toward drug use is associated with views on teen sex ?

    你认为荷兰人对毒品更为宽松的态度与对 青少年性行为的看法有关系吗?

  • How to handle teen sex and teen pregnancies .

    如何应对 青少年性和怀孕。

  • The wounded teen recovered after surgery and several months ' rehabilitation .

    这个受了伤的 男孩经过手术治疗和数月的复原后 最终得以痊愈。

  • Pop isn 't pop without huge teen sensations .

    不能激起广大 青少年热情的流行音乐就不能称其为流行音乐。

  • She may have lacked a home but now this teen has top honors .

    她也许是个无家可归的孩子,但是现在这个 女孩拥有至高无上的荣誉。

  • Sharp drops in participation are seen between young girls ( 6-12 ) and teen girls ( age13-17 ) .

    年轻女孩(6-12)和 十几 的女孩(13-17岁)户外运动参与者急剧下降。

  • America proved its Bieber Fever was strong : The teen singer dominated the American Music Awards on Sunday night .

    美国证明了比伯热的强大:这位 青少年歌手在周日晚上横扫全美音乐盛典。

  • I heard him speak when I was teen .

    当我还是 少年时,我曾听过他演讲。

  • Meanwhile in Africa they picked up words like voodoo and zombie kicking off the teen horror film .

    同时,他们在非洲学会了伏都教和僵尸这类词,直接导致了 后来 青少年恐怖电影风潮。

  • But there was just a modest effect on other common teen problems .

    但是对于其他常见的 青少年问题只是有一个适度的影响。

  • The American teen wins this contest .

    美国的 青少年赢得这项竞赛。

  • For example the insurance industry recently held a safety event near Washington for teen drivers .

    例如,保险业最近在华盛顿附近举行了 青少年司机安全驾驶活动。

  • I think Teen world has the best service .

    我认为 青少年世界有最好的服务。

  • It used to be that any teen who wanted a summer job could get one .

    从前, 十几 的孩子到了暑假都能找着活干。

  • People ask me if I regret wasting my last teen years on becoming a singer .

    人们问我是否后悔浪费我最后的 青葱岁月去做一位歌手。

  • Researchers also analysed wider teen habits .

    调查者还分析了更多的 青少年习惯。

  • The teen had a morbid fascination with violence .


  • I spent most of my teen years reading diet books .

    青少年 时期的大部分时间都用来阅读控制饮食的书籍了。

  • Some of these child prodigies have graduated from universities before even reaching their teen years .

    这类神童中的有些人在到达 青少年年纪前就已大学毕业。

  • Most people who smoke began smoking in their teens

    多数烟民从 十几 就开始抽烟了。

  • Are you or your teen addicted to your cellphone ?

    你或你的 孩子玩手机上瘾么?

  • My late teens and early twenties were really rough years

    我二十 前后那几年 得真苦啊。

  • Parents can also help the teen control their aggressions and help them let it out in healthy ways .

    家长还可以帮助控制其侵略的 青少年,帮助他们健康的方式让出来研究。

  • He looks more like a stockbroker than a teen idol .

    他看起来不像是 青少年偶像,而更像个股票经纪人。

  • A band whose fans are between the ages of fetus and teen ?

    一个粉丝年龄在小孩和 青少年之间的乐队?

  • However it actually began his success as an actor and turned him into a teen idol .

    不过这个 影集事实上开启了他成功的演员生涯并将他塑造成 青少年偶像。

  • The discoveries serve as a new lens for exploring such teen behaviors as bullying and drug abuse .

    这些发现为我们探索 青少年恃强凌弱和滥用毒品等行为提供了新的视角。