tensile modulus

[ˈtɛnsəl ˈmɑdʒələs][ˈtensəl ˈmɔdjuləs]


  • An analytical algorithm to estimate the tensile modulus of Brazilian disk splitting tests is presented .

    提出巴西圆盘劈裂试验中 拉伸 模量的解析算法。

  • The effects of glass bead content and its size on the elastic tensile modulus ( E ) of the filled low density polyethylene ( LDPE ) composites are studied .

    研究了填充低密度聚乙烯中玻璃微珠含量及其大小对复合体系 拉伸弹性 模量E的影响。

  • With the increase of the denim mass content the tensile strength and the breaking elongation increase but the tensile modulus decreases .

    随着牛仔织物质量分数增大,拉伸强度增大,断裂伸长率增大, 拉伸 模量降低。

  • A new kind of cryogenic tensile testing jig was designed and it was used to measure the tensile strength tensile modulus of elasticity and breaking elongation of epoxy / nano-SiO2 composite at room temperature and 77 K.

    设计了一套低温拉伸夹具,并用其测试了环氧树脂/SiO2纳米复合材料在室温和77K环境下的拉伸强度、 拉伸 弹性 模量和断裂伸长率。

  • The increase of draw ratios in three-stage drawing process decrease the linear density of PAN fiber and improve the strength sonic orientation and tensile modulus .

    三级拉伸工艺中各拉伸比的提高均有利于PAN纤维线密度的减小及其强度、声速取向度和 模量的提高;

  • The results show that the tensile strength tensile modulus and shear strength of the two kinds of composites present different change laws and the glass transition temperature of composites decreases obviously after hydrothermal aging treatment .

    结果表明,经湿热老化后,两种复合材料的拉伸强度、 拉伸 模量和剪切强度具有不同的变化规律,复合材料的玻璃化转变温度有较明显地下降。

  • The tensile modulus and strength of the microfibrillar composites are significantly enhanced with increasing the hot stretching ratio indicating that the microfibers have a good reinforcement on the PET / PE composites .

    复合材料的 拉伸 模量和拉伸强度随拉伸比增加显著增加,表明微纤化对材料具有良好的增强效果;

  • The tensile modulus showed a negligible change with thermal oxidation temperature .


  • The properties of the 2D carbon-carbon composite with accumulated granules structure are lower than those with laminar structure . The tensile strength reduces by 58 % and tensile modulus decreases by 63 % .

    2D炭/炭复合材料的性能与微观结构有重要联系,球团状结构的性能较片层状结构的性能差,抗拉强变降低了约58%, 抗拉 模量降低了约63%。

  • The tensile modulus approximately equal to the compressive modulus of elasticity within the proportional limit .

    拉伸 载荷 模量约等于比例极限内的弹性模量。

  • Compared with neat PA6 the tensile modulus the yield strength and the hardness of the nanocomposites were improved by about 100 % 75 % and 25 % respectively with incorporation of only 1 wt % CoAl-LDH .

    当仅加入 1wt%LDH时,尼龙6纳米复合材料的 弹性 模量、屈服强度和硬度比纯尼龙6分别提高了100%、75%和25%。

  • This article introduces a method to determine the plastic membrane tensile modulus by using a normal mart electron tensile testing machine and computers .

    文章介绍了一种利用普通的智能电子拉力试验机配以计算机来计算塑料薄膜 拉伸 弹性 模量的方法。

  • The factors which affect the tensile modulus of solid composite propellant are discussed from four aspects : fillers binder filler / binder interaction and processing technology and the approaches are proposed to tailor the initial tensile modulus of composite solid propellant .

    从填料、粘合剂、界面作用和工艺四个方面对影响复合固体推进剂 模量的因素进行了讨论,提出了调节复合固体推进剂模量的技术途径。

  • On the basis of the elastic theory for different compressive and tensile moduli the deformation regularity of surrounding rocks in tunnels under hydraulic pressures was discussed and mathematical expressions of the elastic resistance coefficient the elastic compressive modulus and the elastic tensile modulus were deduced .

    采用拉压不同模量弹性理论,探讨水工压力隧洞围岩变形规律,推导了圆形隧洞弹性抗力系数与拉伸 弹性模量、压缩弹性 模量的数学表达式。

  • It is well known that tensile modulus is assumed the same as compressive modulus in the classical theory of elasticity .

    众所周知,经典弹性理论认为 材料 拉伸 弹性 模量和压缩弹性 模量是相等的。

  • Suitable amount of wood powder was also helpful for the increase of composite tensile modulus flexural property and heat distortion temperature while it might decrease the impact strength and tensile elongation .

    适量木粉能提高复合材料的 拉伸 模量、弯曲性能和热变形温度,但材料的冲击强度和断裂伸长率有所降低。

  • The correlations between tensile modulus shear modulus and temperature of PA6 were obtained by linear regression .

    利用线性回归,分别得到了 拉伸 模量,剪切模量与温度的相关关系。

  • The mechanical properties of the cured CFRP were tested . The experiment results show that the tensile strength reaches 2 875 MPa and tensile modulus reaches 158.5 GPa and the failure elongation is 1.7 % .

    并对固化后的碳纤维复合材料板进行了性能测试:抗拉强度>2875MPa, 弹性 模量>158.5GPa,断后伸长率1.7%。

  • The tensile property test shows that the tensile modulus of samples is decreased after degradation in all conditions which is related to the decrease of crystallinity and conform change of trimethylene glycol conformers during degradation .

    拉伸试验证明了试样在各条件下降解后 拉伸 模量降低,这与试样在降解后结晶度降低和丙二醇基团的邻位交叉构象增多有关。

  • In the bulk system tensile strength tensile modulus and impact strength are improved by 32.2 % 60.3 % and 68.6 % respectively without the loss of light transmittance .

    而本体法复合材料的拉伸强度、 拉伸 模量及冲击强度 最大分别提高了32.2%、60.3%和68.6%,而透光性能基本未受影响。

  • The tensile strength tensile modulus and elongation at break of filament from these coated fibers were examined .

    测定了经电聚合处理后的碳纤维的单丝拉伸强度、 拉伸 模量以及断裂伸长率的变化。

  • Addition of carbon black had the effect of reinforcing increased the 100 % tensile modulus tear strength tensile strength and Shore A hardness decreased the elongation at break and permanent set at break .

    加入炭黑,可以起到补强作用,提高100% 应力、撕裂强度、拉伸强度和硬度,减小扯断伸长率和扯断永久变形。

  • Under some conditions using the material mechanics calculation formula meets requirement but under some conditions big errors can be caused now different modulus elastic theory can be used and tensile modulus and compressive modulus of material should be studied .

    采用材料力学计算式在有些条件下是可以满足要求的,但在另一些条件下可能会产生比较大的误差,此时可采用不同模量弹性理论进行分析,并需要研究材料的 压弹性 模量

  • Experimental results show that tensile properties of unidirectional PBO fiber composites have much higher value than that of F-12 28.3 % to 55.4 % higher in tensile strength and about 80 % higher in tensile modulus .

    结果表明:PBO纤维单向复合材料比F-12纤维具有更为杰出的拉伸性能,拉伸强度比F-12高约28.3%~55.4%、 拉伸 模量高约80%。