


  • First the US recovery remains tepid .


  • Yet this remains a tepid recovery .

    然而,这依然是 温和的复苏。

  • Compared with financials and other large-cap shares energy stocks have been tepid in recent weeks .

    与金融股等大盘股相比,能源股近几周始终表现 低迷

  • Despite some tepid reforms most of its economy remains stuck in a dirigiste impasse .

    尽管进行了一些 的改革,叙利亚大部分经济仍然深陷于统制经济的僵局。

  • The news comes as the Shanghai market continues to demonstrate a tepid response to new issues .

    消息公布之时,上海股市对 新股发行的反应依然 并不 热情

  • Yes output growth is likely to remain tepid compared with a normal post-recession recovery .

    诚然,与正常的衰退后复苏相比,目前的产出增长可能仍偏于 温和

  • Objective : To research the effect mechanism of tepid acupuncture treatment method of Mongolian medicine treating chronic fatigue syndrome .

    目的:探讨 蒙医温针治疗慢性疲劳综合征的作用机理。

  • 2010 saw a tepid recovery mostly to replenish exhausted inventories .

    2010年出现了 的复苏,主要是为了补充消耗 的库存。

  • The lows are sometimes rounded or drawn out a bit which can be a sign of tepid demand .

    有时是圆形的低点,或是抽出一点,这可能是某种 温热的需求的征兆。

  • Open squares and soak in tepid water .

    打开方纱布,泡入 水中。

  • The play was greeted with tepid applause .

    这台戏 得到了 零落的掌声。

  • Despite tepid performance in 2010 investors have remained enthusiastic about macro funds .

    尽管宏观基金2010年的业绩 差强人意,但投资者仍然趋之若鹜。

  • The first is that even with near-zero interest rates most developed economies have only managed tepid recoveries .

    第一,即使是在近零利率的环境下,多数发达经济体也只是实现了 温和复苏。

  • Forecasters have recently downgraded their expectations for next year seeing tepid growth in overall oil demand .

    预测人士不久前已下调了对明年石油需求的预期,认为 全球 石油需求 温和增长。

  • Have oil stains or fingerprints when the containers remain in the crystal can be washed with tepid soapy water and then rinse with water .

    有油渍或指纹时,容器中的晶体仍然可以用 温和的肥皂水清洗,然后冲洗。

  • The tepid economic recovery is the top focus of the Republicans who would like to defeat Obama next year .


  • The results were better than Wall Street expected although the company 's tepid outlook has sent shares lower .

    虽然 平淡的前景造成公司股价下跌,但它的业绩依然好于华尔街预期。

  • And my applause for his speech will be so tepid .

    而且我只会给他的演讲一 点点 鼓掌

  • Such tepid support is a reminder that voter favour is likely to be fickle .

    这种 不冷不热的支持提醒我们,选民的倾向可能很容易发生变化。

  • So why are prices so high if demand is tepid ?

    那么,如果需求不 旺盛,为什么油价会这么高呢?

  • His nomination while strongly backed by the President has received tepid support in the Senate .

    尽管他的提名得到总统的大力支持,但支持他的参议员却 寥寥无几

  • Chinese steel demand has been tepid since January as slowing economic growth has curbed demand for the material .

    中国对钢材的需求自今年1月以来 持续 低迷,因为经济增长放缓抑制了对这种材料的需求。

  • She bent her mouth to the tap and drank the tepid water .

    她把嘴伸到水龙头底 下去喝那 微温的水。

  • Even before the stock connect launched demand for QFII appeared tepid .


  • I got a tepid response .

    反应 不冷不热的。

  • In other words it 's not for the pious the blindly faithful or those seeking tepid consolation .

    换言之,它不是给那些虔诚的、盲信的或者那些寻求 温柔安慰的人看的。

  • The lost me always dream of this tepid sheen .

    迷雾中的我,一直梦寐这 晃晃 微温

  • Rinse with tepid water and pat dry .


  • I got a tepid response to my suggestion that we should start work earlier .

    我提议早点开始工作,大家的反应 平淡

  • There is nothing better than boiled tepid milk taken regularly in small quantities .

    按时少量吃些煮过的 温热牛奶是最好不过了。