temperature rise

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr raɪz][ˈtempəritʃə raiz]


  • The experiment results demonstrate that this model realizes the forecast the temperature rise .

    实验表明,该模型实现了对航空电机 的智能预测。

  • Temperature Rise Stress Fluctuation of Stress and Evolution of Plastic Zone during Laser Heating of Metal Plate

    金属板激光加热时的 、应力、应力波动和塑性区演化

  • Implementation of this scheme will facilitate to find abnormal temperature rise and avoid burst accidents .

    方案的实现将在及时发现异常 、避免突发故障方面起到重要作用。

  • To such an extent did the temperature rise that fireman had to leave the burning house .

    温度 得太高了,消防队员不得不离开正着火的房子。

  • The electrical conductivity and electro-thermal temperature rise of carbon fiber reinforced cement mortar under dry and wet conditions were studied separately .


  • Seeing this spring passed quickly and the temperature rise in the clear with the arrival of summer .

    眼看这个春天又快过去了, 气温 上升在昭示着夏的到来。

  • You make my temperature rise .

    你使我 体温 上升

  • The threat remains of catastrophic climate change caused by a global temperature rise .

    全球 气温 上升造成的灾难性气候变化的威胁依旧存在。

  • Bearing selection shall limit the bearing temperature rise to a maximum of 60 C under full load operation .

    在全负载状态下,所挑选的轴承将轴承 温度限制在60℃以下。

  • Temperature rise of hot wind The TV aerial blew down last night .

    电视天线 昨夜被风吹倒了。

  • A pollution clean up will be partly to blame for such a temperature rise .

    气温 升高将部分地归咎于对污染的清除。

  • The deviation between temperature rise efficiency and torque efficiency has a negative impact on the accurate assessment of experimental results of axial compressor .

    轴流压气机试验时, 效率与扭矩效率之间的偏差给准确评估试验结果造成了一定影响。

  • Scientists at the Tea Research Association are analyzing temperature statistics to determine links between temperature rise consequent fluctuations in rainfall and their effect on tea yields .

    科学家们在茶研究协会的统计分析温度之间的联系,以确定 温度 上升,降雨和随之而来的波动及其对茶叶产量。

  • To increase fluidizing velocity is beneficial to temperature rise of particle but the influence is less ;

    提高流化速度,有利于颗粒的 升温,但是影响较小;

  • Simple alternation problem Can AC Single-phase Series Connection Supersede AC Three-phase Temperature Rise Test ?

    单次交替题单次交替题交流三相 试验能用交流单相串联试验替代吗?

  • But even the permafrost table has highly raised the annual thermal imbalance of soil and the process of temperature rise it is disadvantageous for the thermal stability of permafrost .

    对于高温多年冻土来说,尽管多年冻土上限也得到了较大幅度的 抬升,但 升温过程和土体年收支的不平衡都在朝着不利于多年冻土热稳定方向发展。

  • Electromagnetic clutch and brake for the B-class insulation the normal temperature rise of40 ℃ .

    电磁离合器及制动器为B级绝缘,正常 40℃。

  • Pressure air compressor is a machine job working hours and stress associated with temperature rise the safety of its operation to the first place .

    空压机是一种带压工作的机器,工作时伴有 和压力,其运行的安全性要放在首位。

  • Influence of water-binder ratio and fly ash on the adiabatic temperature rise of concrete

    水胶比和粉煤灰对混凝土绝热 的影响

  • The nameplate rating is based on a continuous load producing a 55C to 65 conductor temperature rise over ambient .

    铭牌额定值是以产生55℃至65℃导线 的持续负荷为依据的。

  • A temperature rise of 100 c increases the conductivity of a semiconductor by 50 times .

    温度 升高100℃,半导体的电导率就增加到五十倍。

  • The function of planar power transformer in the suppression of leakage inductance and temperature rise of high frequency transformer is presented in this paper briefly .

    本文简要分析了平面型变压器在抑制高频变压器中的漏感和 中的作用。

  • Investigation on Control of Temperature Rise in Fast Filling of High Pressure Hydrogen and Diffusion Due to Its Leakage

    高压氢气快充 控制及泄漏扩散规律研究

  • Temperature rise limit shall meet the one specified corresponding to the insulation level .

    升限值应满足相应绝缘等级所规定的 升限

  • Therefore we have introduced another method which shows whether the temperature rise exists or not during a certain period when the cooking heater is activated .

    因此,我们已经介绍了另一种方法,显示的 温度 上升是否存在或没有在一定时期内烹调加热器时被激活。

  • That 's why methane is a major contributor to the planet 's increasing temperature rise - or global warming .

    所以说甲烷是使这个星球 日趋 变暖(叫全球变暖)一个主要原因。

  • Adiabatic temperature rise is measured by concrete adiabatic temperature measuring device .


  • The thermophysical properties of coating material and substrate material and the thickness of coating have important influence on temperature rise .

    涂层材料与基体材料的热物理性能以及涂层的厚度对刀具的 有重要影响;

  • The2D depth-averaged mathematical model is employed to simulate the temperature rise of cooling water ;

    采用平面二维数学模型对 排水运动进行数值模拟研究。

  • A portion of the temperature rise occurs in the regeneration section utilizing high-temperature product as the heating medium .

    在回流段,我们利用高温产品作加热介质,使 低温产品的 温度 升高